Today, I wanted to take advantage of this post to make a very special announcement in regards to my Life Coaching.
Even though I’ve been writing about personal development since 2007, and started this blog in 2009 (yes it’s that old and still behind in traffic, but that’s another story), and also been helping some people along the way with some personal issues and problems they were facing…
There was, yet, something still missing. An important piece of the puzzle, should I say, and this piece was something that would bring me and my business to the next level. Yes, I’m talking about being a Certified Professional Coach.
What you’re seeing above here is my logo in the making. The end results will be a little different with colors matching the theme of this blog.
Why is it Worth it to be a Certified Coach?
Now, don’t get me wrong, a certification will not make you a good coach, as I believe that you can’t learn to be a good coach. You either are or you’re not, because life coaching comes with inner will and skills that I don’t think one can really learn – it has to be part of you – but certification is what puts you on the map of coaching.
Being a certified coach gives me credentials and will put my future and present clients more at ease. They are now able to see a written official proof that I have the credentials to coach, as well as a professional and well established method to help them.
Some of the Benefits of Being a Certified Professional Coach
During the course that I took between the end of January the beginning of March that led to my graduation, I’ve learned some specific professional coaching methods that I can now apply with my clients. And I think that’s really going to help me tremendously in my practice.
Once I did graduated and got my Certification I got a bunch of documents/tools that will help me all throughout my practice such as the following:
A New Client Intake Form Template. This is what I will be using with each new clients to help me know and understand them better and show me in what direction my coaching needs to go with each individual.
A Circle of Individual Perspective Script, and Circle of Individual Perspective Interview form. These are scripts and questionnaires that I can use literally or by inserting some of my own words to help me see where my new client stands career wise, relationship wise, financial wise, health wise, spiritually wise and well-being wise.
This is a tool that has been reported to create a Aha moment for many clients who have gone through this exercise, because it gives a visual of the present situation of the client.
A New Client Interview Form Template. This is something I can use once I have more information about my client to be able to develop a personal coaching session with that specific client.
A Coaching Goal Planning Form. This is a tool that will help me shape my client’s goal palette, so to speak, and be able to put it in front of them in a way they may have never seen before. This is where the goals of the client will become more real than ever to them.
An Ongoing Coaching Session Form. This is a tool that I will use to keep my client accountable for the goals we’ve already made and for the growth of the whole process as the coaching progresses.
A Personal Mission Statement Form. This is a form that I will use to ask specific questions to my clients about their goals and dreams which will allow me to write their own personal mission statement.
Now, if you don’t believe how strong a mission statement written by someone else (you coach) is, just ask Adrienne Smith.
My dear friend Adrienne had accepted to be my course practice clients and I’ve created her very own personal mission statement based on her own answers to my questions. She loved it so much that she ask me for a copy, and she reads that mission statement every day now.
For both me and Adrienne I think I’m not lying if I say that it was as powerful as my teachers told me it would be. I was so happy when I could tell that Adrienne loved hers.
A Coaching Agreement Template. This is a great template that is going to help me clarify the coaching objectives, fees, payment schedule, and coaching engagement between me my client. No coaching will ever start without having read, agreed to and signed the coaching agreement, so both me and the client can sleep on both ears, and be totally clear about everything that is going to happen over the next days, weeks or months.
A Quick Reference Guide. This is a tool that includes all the steps that are suggested to take with the client, which I can follow along to make sure that I’m not leaving anything out.
Of course, I also have my training study guide which is over 100 pages and that I can refer to as many times as I need or want.
Well, I’m very excited about it all, and it was my pleasure to officially announce that I am now a Certified Profession Coach, abbreviated as CPC. Sorry if my headline look a bit ego-centrist, but it for search engine purposes, and taking advantage of my rather unique name.
I’ve updated my professional status on Linked in and received many congratulations from many of you already, so I also wanted to take advantage of this post to thank you all so much again, as well as the many who congratulated me on Facebook. Very much appreciated.
I hope that if you or someone you know need an affordable life coach, you’ll be thinking about me, and my coaching services.
Thank you for coming, and please, let me know you were here by leaving a comment below.
Congratulations, Sylviane!!
I’m super excited for you and happy that you’ve taken your profession to the next level! I’m sure you’ve gained so many more skills to add to what you already have. I graduated a few years ago with a Master’s Degree in Education. I remember the big day and the joy I felt after working so hard. So, bravo to you!! You’re definitely an inspiration to others!! Learning is such a life-long process!
Jennifer Kennedy invites you to read..2 Ridiculously Simple Steps to Find Out What Learners Want
Thank you so much Jennifer,
Wow, good for you, I’ve never had a master’s degree in anything, so congratulations to you too!
I’m very glad I took the jump in getting certified in my dream career, which I know will open many doors for me.
Thank you so much for coming and I’ll be sure to come see you again very soon.
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..Sylviane Nuccio Certified Professional Coach
Hi Sylviane,
Congratulations and celebrations 🙂
I know this has been your dream and it’s finally come true! I can well imagine your excitement and all that you have achieved has certainly not been easy, but you’ve done it – so that’s truly wonderful I’d say.
With all the informative tools and documents you mentioned, you surely have everything laid out in-front of you to accomplish greater height – and we wish you ALL the very best on your new journey, though for all of us you were already a coach even without the certificate 🙂
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead 🙂

Harleena Singh invites you to read..Don’t Miss These Tips on Home Safety for Seniors
Hi Harleena, and thank you.
Yes, at least this puts me a step closer to my dream, but I’m not going to deny the joy of looking at myself in the mirror and say “you’re a certified life coach” 🙂 I found that at times some people can’t find joy and happiness, because they don’t know how to celebrate every little accomplishment, so I won’t make that mistake.
I agree, Harleena, it’s not that certification that makes me a coach, I believe that I was one long before this, indeed.
Thank you so much for your input and wishes.
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..Sylviane Nuccio Certified Professional Coach
I just want to say congratulations!
I know how passionate you are about working with others. It’s evident in the topics you write about here.
And the fact that you went the extra mile to get the credentials to help your clients feel more at ease says a lot about how much you care about what you’re doing and who you are working with.
I have no doubt that bright things are in store for you 🙂
Have fun designing your logo!
Hi Dana,
Thank you so much. I am sure this is going to help me move forward in my coaching business. I know it’s time for me to move forward and get ahead. Actually, I’m over due, I should say 🙂
Thanks so much for coming and for your kind words 🙂
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..Sylviane Nuccio Certified Professional Coach
Hey Sylviane,
So I know I’ve personally congratulated you numerous times but another one won’t hurt.
I’m very proud of you because I know this is something you’ve wanted to do for awhile and so now it’s definitely official.
I was really excited when you asked me to be your test client because as you know we’re all a work in progress. I know with the direction of my moving forward this year and all the hurdles I’ve had to literally jump over getting here that there is always some “stuff” in the background that needs sorting out. I was eager for you to help me with that and yes, the personal vision statement is fabulous. I do read it every morning and it rings so true for me. It’s like reading affirmations and believing in them but this is kind of like your life mapped out in front of you. We can’t always visualize or see if for ourselves, I can’t at least, so you did that for me.
I know your business will do even better now that you’re certified and I wish you all the best in the world my friend.
Here’s to a fabulous year ahead!
Adrienne invites you to read..Thankful Thursday: Google+, List Building, Social Media, Twitter, Top Blogs
Hi Adrienne,
Thank you for coming by, and for your kind words.
I am very happy that the vision statement worked well for you. I know that this time some big things need to start moving for me at this time, or else. I have been on a roller coaster since the beginning of March, but have been hanging on as well as I can. I apply some of my own medicine on a daily basis 🙂
I had completely forgotten that it was Thursday today. Just came to me now 🙂
I’ll be over at your blog in a bit.
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..Sylviane Nuccio Certified Professional Coach
Congratulations, Sylviane!!
I’m happy for you that you’ve taken your profession to the next level! So you’ve gained many more skills. I wish you all the best and a good business of coaching.
Let the fun begin with designing your Logo.
Thank you Jos.
Hi Sylviane,
Congratulations!!!! In the past years you have given wonderful advice on this blog. You have a natural instinct to help people and lots of knowledge about it too.
Getting your certification has given you more of a map of your services. Each of the points above are crucial when coaching people. The one I like the best is A Coaching Goal Planning Form. This will really help connect your clients and clarify so much in their mentoring with you.
I’m so excited for you!
donna merrill invites you to read..How To Deal With Going Off Line For A Week
Hi Donna,
Thank you so much for your supports these past couple years on this blog and for you upbuilding feedback. Means a lot to me.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Hello Madam Nuccio,
In as much you have received a lot of congratulatory message from a lot bloggers, I guess it will be prudent if I add mine as well.
Congratulations to you Madam Nuccio!
Emmanuel invites you to read..Some Bloggers I can’t and won’t ever Forget.
Hi Emmanuel,
You’re so funny. And thank you very much 🙂
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..Sylviane Nuccio Certified Professional Coach
Hello Ms. Sylviane
Wow so excited for you!
Gladys invites you to read..Smart Ways To Handle Crisis