So, how do YOU keep motivated to write on your blog week after week even when life makes it difficult for a while?
Keeping a blog going means to write an article once a week (at least), but at times events in our life such as grief, illness, and other situations can make writing difficult, because writing on our blog each and every week demands concentration, research, commitment, and efforts that we may not be able to provide during such time.
This is what I wanted to discuss today, because I can tell you that at times, events beyond of our control can take the motivation away. It did me. And I’ve always tried to use my own experience to come up with topics for my own blogs.
Back in January I’ve written a post how to blog in the mist of havoc. In August I wrote a post about how to deal with overwhelming emotions, and how a Toastmaster’s Club can help you in your professional and personal life, and more recently I wrote about grieving.
All in the mist of times when writing was hard for me to do, because my mind, feelings and emotions were all over the place, even though, must I say, I do practice meditation on a regular basis. I dare not think what it would have been if I didn’t.
So, needless to say that at times we can lose interest, even if only momentary, and keeping up with our blog posts and other writing assignments if we are a freelance writer, can be tough to say the least. We are only humans and when life throws hard stuff at us, the challenge can be rough and our energy and motivation can go away.
Here are 5 tips that I’ve been applying to myself to be able to keep blogging as much as possible in the mist of my challenges. I hope that they can help YOU too.
# 1 – Give Yourself some Time to Heal
“It has been said that time heals all wounds. The truth is that time does not heal anything. It merely passes. It is what we do during the passing of time that helps or hinders the healing process.” – Jay Marshall
I love this quote because I find it to be SO very true.
However, you are may need a bit of time to be able to do anything at all. If you’re someone who doesn’t even need such time, then all the better for you.
Since most of us do, the advice I want to give you here is to first and foremost not to force writing if what you’re going through really needs some time to heal.
For me, for a couple of weeks it was impossible to write or read at all. I just wasn’t able to do either. Even my walk was slow, everything came to stop. This is called the first steps of grieving, and you’ve got to let yourself of the hook for a while if and when that happens to you.
Don’t feel guilty about it, just take the time you need to heal. No matter what it is.
If you have someone, either guests or a writers that you pay to write for you for a while that’s great, but if not, just explain to your readers that you’ll be out of the loop for little while. I know they’ll understand.
#2 – Be in Love with what you do
“The only way to do great work is love what you do”. – Steve Jobs
I love this quote from Steve Jobs. It says it all here.
At the end of the day how soon you’ll get back to writing on your blog will depend on how much you love it.
As much as we read all the time that we need to write for our readers – and it’s true – unless we love what we do, it’s going to be very tough to get back to blogging if we experience some shipwreck in our personal life.
If you love what you do, in this case, blogging and writing, Loving it will actually contribute to your getting better.
So, how do you feel about blogging? Do you love it, or has it just became something you’ve got to do? If it’s the fist option, you will get back, no matter what.
#3 – Don’t Isolate Yourself
“Isolation is a dream killer.” – Barbara Sher
This is so true, indeed. I know for a fact that in the case of grieving, for example, the first thing you want to do is isolate yourself. At least, this is true for many people and it’s true for me too. But eventually you are going to need to get back in the world again, and it will actually help you get better.
I know one thing, it’s the moments that I’m alone that are the hardest for me. At least when I’m out there my mind is occupied so it forces me to function better.
As bloggers, reading other blogs and writing for our own takes us out of this isolation, and it helps us keep going. It doesn’t have to be perfect, as long as you’re doing it as much as you can.
#4 – Keep on Reading
“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” – Joseph Addison
If you’re at a point where you still can’t read much, at least try to read 5 or 10 pages a day of something that motivates you. And reading will, as this quote says, exercise your mind in a positive way.
The beauty of reading is that even if we consciously forget what we’ve read, subconsciously it’s still there in our mind and that material will come back to mind when we’ll need it the most, so we can use those ideas to help us inspire our writing to keep our blog going even during hard times.
#5 Write about what you’re Going Through
“Words are a lens to focus one’s mind.” – Ayn Rand
Writing about what you’re going through is not only therapeutic, but can help you keep the writing going and help you keep up with your blogging obligations.
Even if you don’t have the will to write about any other subject for a while, you may have to the will to write about your pain or challenges. So take this opportunity to keep your pen going and help yourself with your writing/blogging this way. It will help you recover faster.
Here is a smaller resume of those 5 points in video and music. Enjoy!
Hi Sylviane,
I am glad that you have raised this topic.
You know there are many people who get demotivated when they don’t get time to write at their blog. they need to know how to fix this?
Writing about your interest is the best thing you can have. A blog with the niche of your interest will attract you to take care of it.
Reading is a good exercise and bloggers should read books and else.
Thanks for sharing with us.
Have a wonderful week ahead.:)
Ravi Chahar invites you to read..How To Change Admin Username In WordPress Using cPanel Safely?
Hi Ravi,
I’m glad you enjoyed this post and it may serve people even if their reasons to find blogging hard are others than some passing challenges outside of blogging.
Thank you for coming. I appreciate that 🙂
Hi Sylviane,
Your 5 points are awesome and unique, you know at times it will seem as if everything about blogging is not real, but reading through your post here has rekindled the fire in me; though i am not tired yet but your post activated something in me.
Emebu invites you to read..3 Proven Tips For Creating A Powerful Landing Page
HI Emebu,
I’m so, so glad about that. When I see comments like yours here, it really tells me that my post has a wonderful purpose. That’s great.
Thank you for coming here today.
Hi Sylviane,
It’s certainly not easy to keep yourself motivated to keep blogging all the time 🙂
More so, if you have had problems in the family or losses to recover from, or for that matter anything that keeps you feeling down and not happy about things. You need a clear mind to write and be happy about doing it.
I liked your tips about keeping yourself motivated, the best being to give yourself time to heal and move on. Once you are ready, you can work ahead and get back on track. Another thing that works is pushing yourself so you are out of the situation you are presently in as that keeps your mind away. I usually just go ahead and start writing or working, and a shift in my tasks helps me at times.
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead 🙂
Harleena Singh invites you to read..7 Harsh Realities Of Blogging That Bloggers Should Know
Hi Harleena,
Yes, at times pushing yourself is the way to go, and that’s a nice addition to my list.
As a matter of fact, we could also say that except for the first one, all of them requires us to push ourselves in some way. Even though most of us don’t like the idea, when we have to, we just do it.
Thank you for your excellent feedback, and have a wonderful rest of the week.
Hi Sylvianne,
What a fantastic post!!!! I love that you write from your experiences and from the heart. That’s what makes you such a unique blogger and writer and it’s easy to get to know you.
I suppose in many ways we are all different. Personally, I’m just the opposite. If you start seeing a flood of content that might seem out of the norm it might be because I’m pushing through a challenging time and the way I work through it is to work.
I love my business and I’m good at it. I’m not apologizing for that and I know some will think it’s a bit cockly. I’m okay with that. The reality is for me what better way is there to get through a hard stage in my life than to pre-occupy myself with what I love and push through it.
Like I said, everyone is different. It’s just me…and I suppose that I”m a little different, lol…
I so agree about the reading part. Because of the way I was raised I tend to gravitate to TV and movies. I fight myself on that one and try to read. In fact, I’m to the point now that I might read too much. Is that even really possible?
I’m so glad to see you back each week Sylviane and I look forward to each article.
I hope you have an awesome week ahead!
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum invites you to read..Will Your Real Target Audience Please Stand Up? Mass Media vs. New Media Marketing
Hi Don,
I’ve known people like you who drown their chagrin in work and I think that’s a darn productive way of mourning, grieving and other upsetting happening things, but I’ve not been bless with such charisma. Man, I only wish 🙂
When I’m down, I feel like doing nothing at all until I get better, but I do know how to push myself though, because I have a rather strong will, but those past few months were tough for me, and it’s still is, but I do feel stronger.
Thank you for sharing your experience with us. Always appreciated.
Hi Sylviane,
You’ve embodied each tip beautifully during your recent difficult times. Kudos to you for that. Allowing sadness and grief to arise is the way to release the sadness and grief. In the West we’re taught to falsely stay strong by bottling up the feelings, when this is the weakest you can be. Weak people hid deep grief, and sadness, because they’re embarrassed to express the emotions, and their weakness eats them alive. Strong people grieve, and cry, and embrace their energies, to be free of them, and to move on. It requires a balance of picking yourself up, and grieving, but using your advice is the quick way to blog, when life seems to be in shambles.
Thanks Sylviane, tweeting from Fiji.
Ryan Biddulph invites you to read..Blogging from Paradise: 4 Keys to Creating My Dream Life and Yours Too (Whatever That May Be)
Hi Ryan,
Yes, you’re totally right, feeling takes courage. I have a client who was raised not to show feelings and he is, as a result, quit weak in many regards, so I say Amen to what you’re saying here heads down.
Actually the first week I couldn’t cry and I knew something wasn’t right, then I started crying and been crying every single day since. I don’t cry all day of course, but I still cry here and there for just a few seconds to a minute or so at the time each day. It’s just something I’ve got to go through and feel. I know things will get better over time. I don’t feel weak, I’m just expressing my pain and grief of losing the most important beings in my life, both human and non-human.
Thank you for coming. I appreciate you 🙂
Hi Sylviane,
It is so difficult to get motivated to write a blog while going through a rough patch in life. When my dog Sheba died, I felt like you did when you lost Sophie. But that goodness you didn’t have to make that decision to put her down. She passed before the vet got there.
There is not much one can do in a situation like that but mourn. And we need to give ourselves time to do that. We cannot just jump right back into business with a heavy heart. So having someone do a guest post for you is a great idea. Also, if worse comes to worse, hire someone to write a blog post.
We cannot miss a beat out here, and the thought of writing is too hard to do with a loss, or any life altering event. I like your suggestion #5 because when I’m having a bad time with anything, I sit there and write. I can get all my feelings out and that is very healing for me.
donna merrill invites you to read..Build Your Brand
Hi Donna,
I remember thinking a lot about you when you had to put your Sheba to sleep, and thank God I didn’t have to do this with Sophie. Sophie was so much in connection with me that we both knew it was time, and she showed me right on time that she didn’t need any help. She was so special and I’m crying my head off writing this now.
The first week I couldn’t cry at all. I was still under the shock I guess, but since then I do cry some every single day, for both my mother and Sophie at one point or another. I know it will get better, but that’s why I decided to go away. I need that in my life right now. It’s just too darn hard to stay here right now.
Yes, writing about our feelings helps so much.
Thank you for coming.
Thanks so much for this. I think every blogger goes through this. And while I totally get the importance of posting regularly, I think it’s also totally okay to take a week off from time to time when we need to.
Like you said, it’s important to love what you do and I totally love blogging! But you already knew that 🙂
Great tips!
Brittany Bullen invites you to read..How to Turn Your Idea Into an Empire: A Case Study
Hi Brittany,
Oh, yes, it’s totally OK to take a week off here and there, no doubt. I know some successful bloggers who close shop the whole holiday seasons, and they’re doing just fine, for example.
Yes, your blog shows that you love blogging, indeed. You’re doing great.
Thank you so much for coming by.
Thanks for sharing..! That is really nice article about the element of successful blogging. You know, I have blog almost for years ago but this is just only the first time that I have made money online. Actually, I came from other source not my blog. However, I have recognize that I one of bloggers who able to make money online. LOL. Thanks for sharing…! that is great tips to keep continue my blog.

Kimsea Sok invites you to read..How to Become a Real Blogger And Make Money
Hi Kimsea,
Glad you liked it and thanks for coming.
Hi Sylviane,
This post is important for anyone going through a difficult time in their lives.
I know for me, last year when I lost Scott, I have NO idea how I was able to write my birthday post. I think because he passed away on a Monday evening, I cried non-stop for two whole days. I also knew that if I didn’t post something that Thursday then I would be flooded with emails from my readers and subscribers because they would want to know where I was and if something was wrong.
I pushed through the pain because I wanted people to know what an amazing person he was and it just so happened that he passed away a few days before my birthday. I wanted everyone to know I would be MIA for a few days as I continued to deal with my grief, attend his funeral and be with his family and friends.
I have to say though that the support I received from my blog community really did help me because you know I had a very difficult time of it too. It’s hard to lose someone you love and learn to live without them. Time doesn’t heal the wounds, it’s just what it takes to make it not so fresh anymore.
I think your tips are great and we all have to do what’s best for us. We all know though that there are plenty of people around us to help us through our difficult times. Thank goodness for that right!
I appreciate your honesty with us about this and for always sharing with us what you’ve had to deal with. It helps us to realize we\’re not alone in this either.
Have a wonderful week Sylviane and I loved the video too!
Adrienne Smith invites you to read..Unleash Up To 53% More Social Shares With Visual Content
Hi Adrienne,
I remember very well how bad you felt when you dear friend Scott died, and your post really translated that. I remember!
Of course, the fact that we are able to take some actions even when we’ve lost dear people or pets that we loved so much doesn’t mean we loved them any less, it’s just that we go with the flow and do what we have to do.
Half of the time I’ll start crying like a nuts in a middle of a post or comment, but that doesn’t show. Nobody will ever know. I just do. And then I’d stop and keep going. That’s the life of someone who grieves. I’m taking one day at the time.
Thank you for taking the time to come, and I’m glad you liked the video 🙂
Hi Sylviane,
That was a great post Sylviane, right from the heart.
I feel your pain. Things do go wrong sometimes and Life is full of surprises and we can’t be on the top of our game all the time. Its easy to stay motivated when things are going all right but unfortunately, life has its way of knocking us down in unexpected ways.
You are right, we need to give ourselves the time to grieve and set other things aside and I totally agree with Ryan to let your emotions out not accumulate them inside as this will eventually lead to peace which is necessary to move forward.
Thanks Sylviane for sharing your experience with us and I hope this make you feel even better. Have a great week ahead.
Be Blessed,
Neamat Tawadrous invites you to read..Why Ask Questions? And Who Is The Most Important Person To Ask Questions??
Hi Neamat,
Thank you for your words.
No there’s no need to keep things inside, it doesn’t help. The first week I was still under the shock and couldn’t even cry, but when I started, I couldn’t stop. Still cry every single day. It will take a while, I’m not rushing my feelings there are what they are, I know that things will calm down, and that my faith is helping me, but grieving is a natural thing people go through.
Thank you for coming by, and have a wonderful day.
Ciao, Sylviane,
I loved your post!!! 🙂 Love the tips about taking a break, loving what you do, and not isolating yourself. Awesome and very wise advice.
Your points are excellent, and especially about reading. It’s definitely true that it will help cause our mind to focus. Expressing what the difficulty is and writing about it is very helpful, I can attest to that first hand.
What a beautiful video, Sylviane, and such a peaceful atmosphere. I’m so glad you have a place like that very close by.
Loved your article and video, and will be sharing with friends.
Talk soon,
– Carol
Carol Amato invites you to read..WP Engine – Speedy and Secure Hosting for Your WordPress Sites
Hi Carol,
I’m glad you liked this.
As for the video, if you remember well, you ARE the very one who has inspired me with those, and people tend to love them. And they’re so much fun to make too 🙂
Yes, I have a good handful of beautiful parks around me all with a lake. I am a nature kind of woman, so I go there on a daily basis for my walks, plus North Carolina weather is quite wonderful, so there’s more sunny days to enjoy it then not.
Thank you so much for coming and sharing.
I have quite a few blogs. Some I find it very easy to write in. Others can be extremely difficult. The ones that are easy to write for are those that are built around topics which either have a wealth of information built around them or ones that I am passionate about. That’s why some niche blogs are extremely hard to write for. After a short amount of time the information pool just dries up.
The good thing about blogging is that when things happen and you have to put your virtual pen down you can. It’s always there waiting for you when you’re ready to pick it up again.
Peter invites you to read..How To Create A Reflection Of An Image
Hi Peter,
I totally understand what you mean by niche blogs and how some niches will dry up much faster than others. I know first hand for having had such niche blogs and writing for clients in those niches.
Yes, even if we take a break for some reason, our blogs are still be there for us to get back to them as soon as we can.
Thank you for coming 🙂
Hello Sylviane Nuccio,
Firstly, I would like to say what a wonderful topic you have picked up for this blog post.
It’s not easy to stay motivated or on the right path when it comes to blogging. Life is all about ups and downs and there are both happy as well as sad moments in one’s life.
However, if you love what you’re doing, you’ll never feel lost. And your inner-self will force you to do you work. This is why only, I believe to do whatever you’re passionate about and don’t think about money or anything else at first instance.
And you have picked up wonderful points. I agree that reading inspirational stuff is another great thing that one can do. For this, Google+ is the best source for me as I get many inspirational quotes and other stuff from there to keep myself motivated. There are many communities dedicated entirely to this.
Thanks once again for this wonderful article.
And I hope you have a great week ahead. 🙂
Gurwinder Singh Bhinder
Gurwinder Singh Bhinder invites you to read..9 Questions to Answer Before Starting a Blog
Hi Gurwinder and welcome to my blog.
I’m glad that you enjoyed the post and found it helpful as well.
Yes, I also believe in doing what you love first and the money will follow. People who make lots of money, at least most of them, love what they do.
Indeed, reading can help us inspired and going.
Thank you for coming.
Hi Sylvianne,
This is a great WOrk and good post ,What a fantastic post!!!! I love that you write from your experiences and from the heart. That’s what makes you such a unique blogger and writer and it’s easy to get to know you. Thanks a lot ,
Leena invites you to read..Vehicle Insurance plans for Vehicle Insurance
Hi Leena,
Thank you for your kind words and I’m glad you enjoyed the post.
Thank you for coming by.
Hey Sylviane,
Not too many people write on a topic like this, but I’m glad that you did. I went through a spell about a month ago. I was in disbelief but I know it was a part of life.
I know you said not to isolate yourself, but I did although i still came online and blogged. I still was in isolation because that is my comfort zone. Maybe it’s because i’m an introvert, because i do this when I’m both happy and sad. It’s weird to some people, but it’s perfectly normal for me.
Which brings us to your other point of being in love with what you do. In my case, get into doing something that you automatically become happy and passionate about doing. Well I isolate myself by going on walks, come up with some ideas as i go through some grief, and get back into writing a blog post as well as other things regarding online marketing. In this case it would be therapeutic for me since I’m being reconnected to my higher self.
But we are all definitely different but there are many times when we feel alone when we’re going through something. I’m really glad that you wrote this because we all go through some type of grief, and know that there are people out there who are going through similar situations gives us the assurance that we’re not alone and we can reach out to each other whether it be directly or indirectly!
Thanks Sylviane for sharing! Keep your head up!
sherman smith invites you to Review: Why You Want To Be Active On
Hi Sherman,
Yes, that was the goal, writing a kind of post that NO body writes about. Actually I kind of made that my thing these day, I want to try to write different stuff, because that’s the best way to come out of the crowd.
No, you’re not strange, I do the exact same thing. For a while I did totally isolate myself, even still do to a point, because it’s part of my morning/grieving process. The point is not to do it for too long and fall in some type of depression that could overwhelm you.
Thank you for sharing your experience and for coming.
Wow Sylvianne,
This is the first time I heard your voice in a video, you weren’t kidding when you said you were gonna start doing a video, it gives your blog a personal touch.
Anyway, when I am grieving I write. Writing can be therapeutic but at times when I’m really, really down, I just want to sleep. I don’t want to see anybody, I don’t want to mingle with anybody offline or online, it’s like part of me is dying too.
I know how you feel. And it’s true that time alone won’t heal but what you do for the time being and how you are handling the situation is what help heal your grieving. Sometimes you just need to be alone. It’s okay to cry. You are encountering “what is” and not intellectualizing the situation. So it’s okay to cry and grieve.
I would’ve done the same thing if that had happened to me, I will write it on my blog and let everyone know what I’m going thru so people will not wonder why I haven’t been up to writing lately. All of your suggestions are great tips.
Thank you for sharing your life with us.
Angela McCall invites you to read..I Finally Got My Wacom Tablet
Hi Angela,
Oh, I get that! I do the same thing. For the first week I pretty much spent it in my bedroom, on my bed. I wanted to be alone, sleep and not see or talk to anyone. That’s totally normal and that’s the first signs of grieving for most of us.
There are few individuals out there that are able to show no grieving at all, but I don’t know how they do it, and don’t think I want to either. For me it also means showing that I do care and love.
Thank you for dropping by and have a wonderful weekend.
There are times when I feel that I won\’ be able to blog for a long time. But then I decide to take a little break for a day or two. I just stop using my computer or my phone to check my blog or any account related to my blog. I try to watch some movies, explore new places in this break.
And when I return to blog, I feel refreshed and am able to work more productively.
So I would advice everyone that you should take regular breaks from your work to keep yourself motivated!
What do you way?
Arbaz K invites you to read..Evernote 6.0.2 APK for Android Devices – Download Now
Hi Harbaz,
Yes, at times we just need a break to recharge our batteries, so to speak. I’m glad that your breaks are doing much good for you.
Thank you for sharing this.
Hi Sylviane,
I completely agree with you on this piece. Sometimes it would seem the world is just about to collapse on us but with keeping tabs with activities that relive our motivation will help us.
Allowing time to heal the situation is a good idea. I do employ the tips most often. More so, I always like the idea of keeping thinking about the bright side of things – that is, the future is better!
Yes, Steve Jobs got it right – “The only way to do great work is love what you do”. Love is the force that can help keep the body, mind and soul in harmony so that motivation will not dim out!
Comment left in also.
Hi Sunday,
Yes, when we feel like we are carriing the world on our shoulders it can be a life savior to keep busy with our tasks at hand.
Indeed, Steve Jobs was right we can do great work when we love what we do, how hard that is when we don’t. I know that for myself 🙂
Thanks for your input.
Hi SylvianeVery touchy intro that made me stick to the post till the end. I often feel a lot of stress while managing my three blogs and sometimes want to quit everything and go for a long trip of my countryside. All the five solutions are excellent. I like the second one and it is natural solution. If we really love our work even without any success we enjoy it a lot and not be impatient to succeed early. I once read about Carl Marx the worldwide expert of three subjects Philosophy, English Literature and Economics. Once someone asked him what he did if get bored by reading dry subject Philosophy for quite a long time. He replied then he start reading Economics and after that English literature. So this is an example of how one can enjoy his work if he really loves it. Thanks a lot for sharing this much important post especially for those bloggers who do a job and also have family responsibilities.
Mi Muba invites you to read..How to learn blogging and become a pro blogger?
Hi Mi,
I’m so glad my introduction did some number on you 🙂 Love to hear that.
Definitely, loving what we do will always be a life savior for anyone. Doing what we don’t like and at times what we totally dislike, not to say hate, is a killer, if not of the body, it is of the spirit.
Thank for sharing this quote from Carl Marx
Hey Sylviane,
Brilliant post!
First off, I must mention that it\’s my first time on your blog and I was wondering where the heck I have been online all these while not finding you 🙂
I like all the points you made in this post but was very much interested in the “Writing about what you are going through”
You see Sylviane, this is one of the awesome gifts of blogging. A seasoned blogger should be able to relate his daily life activities, experiences and occurrences around him to blogging, that’s one of the greatest things I like about the process.
Recently, I went on a hangout with my cousins at one of the famous eateries in my country and I saw the way famous eateries were ruling their world while others were struggling to get on the game and there and there, a thought came to my head that – what if a blog is treated like an eatery?
That came as an idea and quickly I was able to convert the experience into a blog post which later pinned out to be real.
So you see Sylviane, just as you rightly said, writing about what we are going through is truly one of the awesome way of not getting bored in blogging, using this method will actually help us blog week after week without looking bad 🙂
Once again, I am glad I found your blog today, and thanks for sharing this awesome piece!
Do have a wonderful day ahead.
Jackson Nwachukwu invites you to read..5 Techniques Every Blogger Should Use to Execute Professional Email Marketing Campaigns
Hi Jackson,
Yes, where have you been all these years? 🙂
I’m so glad you found me then, and will be sure to visit you as well. That’s how I met all the bloggers I know. Either I came first or they did, but either way, we developed a great relationship and that’s what counts.
I know what you mean, we go about our daily life and boom, we get a blog post idea, just like that! Isn’t that great? I love it when that happens.
Blogging about what we go through is what really makes us human for our readers. I love it.
I’m so glad you found me and I’ll see you at your place very soon, OK 🙂
Hi Syliviane,
Great post. I think this will really help people who may be going through tough times. It is also good to know about another fellow person who meditates. I have been meditating for quite some time, and man does it work wonders for me. I also run at least 15 miles a week, which I love to do! I also like how you said that, in the don’t isolate yourself part, not to be perfect just do your best. This is great advice, because perfection is a time killer, and doesn’t help much. Just do! Thanks for sharing!
Lawrence Berry invites you to read..Research Shows That Wealth Is Outpacing Income: Bad Sign!
Writing about what you\’re going through is a great way to cope. Since your mind is already stuck on it it only makes sense. I tend to do this as a way to purge my thoughts so I can clear my mind. What better way to deal with things then to acknowledge them? It\’s the best way to heal I think.~Lea
Lea Bullen invites you to read..How to Be More Productive With Less Effort
Hello Ms. Sylviane
First of all you are in my thoughts and my heart.
Second… I love your video. Awesome
Your whole post is right on for this time for so many people that are blogging.
It is difficult to write when any situations rise up, but when it comes to the death of loved ones, it because harder.
I salute you for pushing through and as you go through this time in your life, you are also motivating us.
Thank you and again I loved your video
Gladys invites you to read..Life Is Govern By Choices, They Shape Our Life Story
Hi Sylviane,
Great post. I so feel your suggestions. I know personally, as I know you do, that life sometimes gets in the way and emotionally as well as physically, it is so hard to keep focused and continue on with our business.
My favorite of your suggestions above, although they are all important is, Give Yourself Time To Heal. This is so important as without healing first, we can’t ‘see’ ahead of us and what we need to do. Healing brings a sense of peace so that we can continue. I also talk about what I’m going through as it is a way for me to vent and that is a part of my healing as well.
Absolutely great info for all of us.
Thank you for writing this.
Barbara Charles invites you to read..Are You Sick of Social Media?
Hi Barbara,
Yes, it’s important to give ourselves a break, some time to heal. For a whole month, until like the first week of October I was totally unproductive, but I needed that time. I didn’t want want to do anything really, just be left alone, literally.
Lately a friend neighbor has taken me out 🙂 and it has been beneficial to me. The only places I’ve been out was at work and in my beloved park because I’m always attracted by water and trees, but beside that’s it.
I’m still not 100%. For that it will take some time, but I’m getting a bit better.
Thanks for coming.
Hey Sylviane,
Great topic. It can be very tough to want to blog especially when you go through loss or grief, I’ve been going through that alot recently actually. I like the advice you gave regarding giving yourself time to heal and write about what you’re going through.
I think you’re right. Writing is very therapeutic.
Thanks for writing this post and it actually being a very therapeutic post to me. Hope you have a great week.
– Andrew
Andrew invites you to read..Why Being Everywhere Is A Horrible Strategy To Use
Hi Andrew,
I’m glad you found this post useful, Andrew, and hope things will get better for you too.
Take care.
Hi Sylviane,
it is hard to stay motivated for everything during the difficult moments of life.
Same principle for blogging.
Sometimes, taking a break is a great way to return then with renewed force.
You shared some valid points!
Be passionate on what you do is the most important thing, in my opinion.
Also, feeling not alone may help you work better, without being frustrated.
Thanks for the post,
some great lessons here. 🙂
Have a nice week, Sylviane.
Erik Emanuelli invites you to read..Start Monetizing Your Blog with SeedingUp : Interview with Johannes
Hi Erick,
Nice surprise to see you here.
Yes, that’s my intent, as a matter of fact, coming back stronger with a renewed force. Soon my blog will have a whole different new look, and a better purpose/strategy. I can’t wait 🙂
Thank you for coming and I’ll see you at your place soon.
Your welcome..! I am back again for reading your articles since it is almost interesting to me…! 🙂

Kimsea Sok invites you to read..How Awesome to Join Our Best Blogging Community
I use motivational wallpapers for motivating myself. That’s the only life-hack I use. These are great tips and I will surely try them. Great post!
Jacob Koshy invites you to read..Should you Always Remove your USB Devices Safely?
Hi Jacob,
That’s great that you’re using motivational wallpapers, but there are many other deeper things you can do. I’m glad you’re finding some out right here.
Thanks for coming.