Few months ago when I met Tonya Stephen at TonyaStephens.net we quickly realized that we were both painters and she told me about a place online where I could sell my paintings or the image of my paintings.
This place is Fine Art America. Until then I had no idea I could even sell my paintings online.
If you are interested in selling your paintings, photographs or any type of art, you might be interested in this post. I know this is a bit of a different theme for this blog, but I think it was worth it to introduce FineArtAmerica for those who might be interested.
Introducing Fine Art America
Last week I finally took the time to download most of the images of my paintings and some photographs as well on this site. So, for the fun of it, I wanted to give you a tour to Fine Art America, in case you are an artist wanting to sell your art.
Not only can you sell paintings and photographs on Fine Art America, but you can also sell the follow …
- Sculptures
- Reliefs
- Glass art
- Ceramics
- Tapestries
- Drawings
- Jewelry
- Digital Art
- Pastels… and more.

As soon as you upload your images you can instantly sell your prints on demand to the world. All you need to do is give some information about your art, using keywords, set your mark-ups, and Fine Art America will do the rest.
They will fulfill orders on your behalf taking care of the printing, framing, matting, packaging, shipping and payments. I think that’s pretty cool, isn’t it?
How Does Fine Art America Get Paid?
For each painting, picture or any piece of art that you want to sell through this site, all you need to do is choose a mark-up price. Such mark-up will be what you will receive as payment for your art sold. The difference is what Fine Art America will get paid for the service they provide.
Paid and Free Accounts
For a free account you can create a profile, promote and sell your prints on demands, but you can only upload under 25-30 images. For the premium membership which is $30 per year there are additional features, such as your own free website featuring your art for promotion, and especially unlimited amount of image uploads.
In my case, I didn’t hesitate to get the premium package since I have tons of images I wouldn’t mind to sell.
Blog and Press Release
Fine Art America also provide a blog and press release service that you can use to promote your art. You can use your writing skills to talk about and promote your art, which is a cool feature that I will definitely be using as well as they’re free website which comes with the package.
Here is a quick tour to start your account on Fine Art America

Hello Sylviane!
You took some great pictures! This is great for artist who would like to make some money off of their images and paintings.
You video makes a great guide to help get folks started with the setup and uploaded their images. Thanks for sharing this with us!
Have a great new week!
Corina Ramos invites you to read..Monday Work from Home Job Lead Madness 07082013
Hi Corina,
That’s interesting that this afternoon at work I Googled Fine Art America and I saw a top result with your avatar. I didn’t click on the link because I couldn’t but did you write anything about this?
Thanks for coming.
That is interesting…I’ve never written anything about them or about art in general. I wonder how that happened…
Maybe I just shocked Google and threw them off for being the first to comment on your post 😉
Corina Ramos invites you to read..Ideas For Promoting Your Blog Or Business Free or On The Cheap
Hi Sylviane,
Thanks for sharing this service. I know so many (starving artists) who would just love this! Of course I’ll pass this one on to them via email.
You did a fantastic job with your video to show people the how-to’s. I just met a woman a few days ago that makes jewelry and I know she would love this.
Donna Merrill invites you to read..Socialize
Hi Donna,
Wow, that’s great!
I thought that a lot of people who regularly comment on this blog wouldn’t be interested, but I don’t want to write only for them, I thought some people out there would find and use this info, possibly.
Thank you so much for sharing this with people you know.
Hi Sylviane,
You are blessed with two gifts: writing and painting. Lucky you!
This is a beautiful and interesting post. I always suspected you can sell your paintings online. Now I know for sure.
Look what I want to know. You said: “you can sell the original or only the image of it, which is what I do.”
I want to understand this concept better. How can you sell the image? You take a photo of one of your paintings and upload it on that site? Then you sell the image in a similar manner like istockphoto or other digital photo sites do? What’s the process? How many copies of an image can you sell? How do you prove the image is yours?
I have a friend who is a painter and would be very interested in this site. If you can create an image and sell a lot of copies, then this will help him enormously (he has just married and a child is coming).
Have a nice day
Silviu invites you to read..Net Market Success Manifesto and Mainstream Wisdom
Hi Silviu,
All you have to do is upload the image, which will be a picture or the picture of a painting, like I did, and Fine Art America does the rest. They process your image and send it out in whatever form available requested by the customer.
As far as proving that the image is YOURS, I don’t know if anyone would be crazy enough to download art that’s not theirs on such site, but that’s about it. Beside that I’m sure it can eventually be verified that a picture is NOT yours, I don’t see any other way.
Hope this help, and thanks for coming.
Hi Sylviane,
Well, from this post I discovered that you are also a painter! Aha, you have more talents than what I know you for as being a writer. Great discovery!!
Great post and your explained the service very well through the Video. I don’t have anything to sell through this site but I have a good friend of mine whose husband is a photographer and I am sure he can make use of this site. I will definitely refer her to your blog.
Thanks Sylviane for sharing and explaining this website. I am sure so many will need to know about it. Will be sharing it. Have a great week ahead.
Be Blessed,
Hi Neamat,
Great, I’m so glad if my post can help someone who’s got art that they’d like to sell. You are the second person who knows someone, so this post has accomplished its purpose.
Oh, you didn’t know about the paintings! They are on my travel blog. I have a page for them and I used to have a video on the side bar that I just took off to place the widget of Fine Art America instead.
Thanks for coming, Neamat. I’m just coming from your blog 🙂
Wow, this is a different type post today Sylviane! I didn’t know Tonya was a painter too! That’s so cool and you ladies definitely have that in common.
I’m sure that anyone who is interested in learning more about how they can sell their paintings or images then you’ve just introduced them to a fabulous new site.
I’ve seen a lot of your work but thanks for sharing even more with us and you did a fabulous job with the video too. You better watch out cause we’re going to be wanting more.
Thanks for the introduction Sylviane.
Adrienne invites you to read..Customer Service Nightmare: Why You Lose Business
Hi Adrienne,
Yes, this post has already caught the eye of people who know people who might be interested in this site, so that’s great. That was the purpose on top of advertising my paintings and photos for search engines.
I have a limited amount of paintings at the moment, but I sure have tons of pictures that I’m going to post there. It would be really cool if I could sell some 🙂
Thanks for coming, Adrienne.
First time ever hearing about Fine Art America. I cant really use it though to sell anything but I know a few artist that would probably enjoy trying to sell their work on there. Online has been opening so many doors for people with talents from eBay to Craigslist. How long have you been painting?
Thomas invites you to read..June Stats, Updates, Goals, and Future Plans
Hi Thomas,
Well, I’m glad you heard from it here then and I hope your artist friends will enjoy this site.
Thanks for your visit.
Hi Sylviane,
Wow…. It’s really a something new and very interesting indeed! I have never heard of an online marketplace to sell arts.
Ha ha… I can recall Satye asked about selling your paintings in your radio interview too. Do you remember? 😉
As it comes to the topic of images, I think there would be different kind of concerns. But it’s really interesting they have already made it secure by not allowing to copy and download images 🙂 Did you notice that dear? However, some tricks can work out. But it’s really a nice job as someone can’t just copy or download the image 🙂
It’s really nice to know that they ship worldwide too.
Your paintings are just amazing Sylviane 🙂 Gosh… I love that Blue Lake painting. Mind if I ask how did you feel at that Canyons? I’ve never seen one and love to see 🙂
You have a wonderful week Sylviane 🙂 You are such a talented girlie.
Mayura invites you to read..5 Social Media Mistakes You Weren’t Aware Of
Hi Mayura,
Well, you are something else. Wow, you remember that Saytue asked me about selling my painting? And that was towards the end of the interview so it shows that you’ve listen to the whole thing.
Now, you’ve also went and check that site, didn’t you? Shame on me I knew that they put a watermark on the images but I didn’t know that they make it impossible to download. Thank you for this info, Mayura. You are unique 🙂
The Grand Canyon is a wonderful place. When I went it was very hot, in the middle of July, and it’s huge. Maybe you’ll see it yourself one day. You have plenty of time for that. Still just a kid 🙂
Thanks for coming, my friend 🙂
Another place to sell fine art is through auction houses. Yes they take a commission, but it might bring in more money than if you sold it yourself. Of course there are all different levels of fine art. I had never heard of online marketplace to sell arts. Good to know
Arleen invites you to read..Alternative Fundraising Ideas Inspired by Buffet
Hi Arleen,
Well, thank for the tip about auction houses. Years ago I knocked a few doors to sell my paintings but nothing happened. This is something that I plan on doing in the future.
Thanks for coming.
Hi Sylviane,
Such a great idea to make a blog post from this. I am as surprised as you at how many people know an artist who might benefit from this website.
You realized also you can make a business card with this website address to hand out.
So happy you got your site up and running!
Good luck with sales!
Have a great weekend..oh and you did a great job on the tutorial.
Tonya Stephens invites you to read..Network Marketing Mindset | 5 Tips For Keeping It Positive
Hi Tonya,
I haven’t even taking advantage of the free website your getting for the $30 membership. Another thing I’ve got to look into. Yes, it seems that many people do know someone who’s an artist. That’s cool.
Hi Michael,
Long time no see. I’m glad you liked the video and hope you or someone you know may be able to use this great tool.
Where would the art gallery be without the art piece? Love the blog.
Kenya Lynem invites you to read..Power Source Media: Passion Pit and Daft Punk
Hi Kenya,
Thanks for coming by.
Perfect timing because I have a friend that paints allot and looking to sale her prints online. I didn’t know where to go, but she is wants to make some extra dough. This service reminds me of Zazzle, but at least they take the guess work out of the equation and do the hard work for you.
Sonia invites you to read..ThirstyAffiliates Plugin Review & Giveaway
Hi Sonia,
How great is that! Yes, this is much easier and user friendly than Zazzle which I couldn’t never really figure out.
I’m glad this came at the right time.
Thanks for coming.