When you study the Law of Attraction in dept, you become more and more aware that you can attract anything in this life.
As a matter of fact, what you’re experiencing right now you’ve attracted.
This is the very reason why you may not be quite where you want today, it’s because something you’ve attracted when you didn’t know any better, or you may be still in the process of mastering this law of attraction thing, and as long as you don’t master it, you’ll keep attracting stuff you don’t want.
But don’t worry, we’re all working on that!
The law of attraction is not prejudice, though, it works both ways. It all depends where your mind and thoughts are more inclined to.
Today, I wanted to talk about attracting your perfect day. When was the last time you had a PERFECT day? I’m not talking about an OK day, here; No, I’m talking about a day where everything was just great, where you felt completely alive, satisfied and happy. A day when you felt totally at peace with yourself.
When was the last time you felt that way? Or did you ever? Most likely you did, even if you can’t think of it right now.
Let’s try to find it together…
Go Back Into Memory Land
I’m sure you know how easy it is to go back to a bad memory, right? This is something we can do quite well without any training at all. We may have had a very bad experienced 5, 10, 20 or more years ago and it comes back to haunt us still.
No matter how dead and gone that bad day should be, we rekindle it once in the while, so as to keep it alive. Unfortunately, this is something that our brain does well, and not only for us humans, but animals too, because the brain is usually marked by traumatic events.
An old elementary teacher of mine used to take a nice and smooth sheet of paper and shape it into a ball in his hands. Then he would unfold it again and flatten it. Then he would show it to us and say, you see, once you wrinkled that sheet of paper it can never get back the way it was!
He was using this example to illustrate to us that if we’d hurt someone, they may never fully recover or we may never fully recover.
We are a lot like that sheet of paper aren’t we?
Sometimes someone can do something to us, and we’ll never see that person under the same light again. We may go through a very negative experience that leaves us with emotional scares that will stick forever. They are some things that can never become undone. Yes, that’s true for most people.
However, does this mean that we can’t create our perfect day?
Try Remembering the Best Day of your Life
So, since we already know how good we are at remember bad stuff, my question to you is, are you able to recall the best day of your life?
Hopefully you actually have more than one. But try to remember the very best one or two. The ones that you go back to once in a while and can’t help but smile.
Sometimes, it may not be a whole day, but just a moment. A total bliss moment that you will remember for the rest of your life.
I remember my first perfect day. I was about 10 years old. I was home with my mom on a summer afternoon and I was feeling so well. It was a feeling of being 100% alive and happy. I remember that I told my mother how I felt and she told me that she had felt that way herself before.
This was such a perfect day for me that decades later I still remember it. There was nothing special, but I think that it was a pure spiritual moment, and I think that’s how we should feel most of time, not just sometime, or ever very rarely as it is unfortunately the case for most people.
I had other moments such as this one in my life, but this one was my first, and I like to go back to it to put me in the same mind state as I was then.
The other day, as I was walking around my favorite park to relax and recharge my batteries, I was revisiting all my perfect days. I noticed that I couldn’t stop smiling and feel good.
Even though I was very tired physically, it put me in a very good place, and my thoughts combined with my walk totally refreshed me and I noticed how well I was when I got back home. All my tiredness had gone away!
Your Turn…
My advice to you for today is this; go try it! Go in the place where you can be alone with quiet time and revisit some of your perfect days. Forget about everything else and immerse yourself into those thoughts, and see what it will do for you!
It’s a sort of meditation, and it really works for the best.
Do you have 11 minutes today? What this video to help you do this…
I love it when you explain the Law of Attraction so simply and give tips to get there. The other day I woke up and the day just didn’t go the way I wanted it. About mid-afternoon I said ‘got to stop this’ and decided to just start believing it was a great day and it worked. Amazing!
Thanks for your continual reminders that this is the way to go in life. Understanding ‘attraction’ is necessary for success in all things in life.
Thanks so much Sylviane,
Barbara Charles invites you to read..Finding Your Purpose In Life – Why Are You Here?
Hi Barbara,
I’m glad you did that. Sometimes for some reasons we start the day on the wrong foot, as we say, and it’s vital that we stop it as soon as possible, so we can get out of the negative vibrations and start over on a good note.
That’s great that you did that and that you can tell us all here that it actually does work!
Thanks for sharing.
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..How To Create Your Perfect Day
Yes it actually works! Love it! Thanks for sharing.
Barbara Charles invites you to read..Finding Your Purpose In Life – Why Are You Here?
HI Sylviane,
What a lovely post, and an awesome video 🙂
Ah…your post did make me think as to when I had my perfect day because it has been quite a while now when I really felt good (in the real sense) – that zen or spiritual feeling of being in the moment. It surely has been rather long and the reason being our busy lifestyles that leave us really no time to sit back and really enjoy life or the day for that matter. When the day starts and how soon it just passes by one just doesn’t seem to know.
I know even the solution to all of this lies in our hands, yet we are all somewhere or the other caught up in the rut of life. Speaking of myself, my perfect day in the real sense was years ago when I was visiting the mountains on vacation, with my parents – years ago. It was such a heavenly feeling to see such beauty all around you and feel as if you are not really existing on this earth and are instead at a different place altogether. I’ve never felt this way ever later, though I look forward to such a day and better ones ahead.
Thanks for sharing this with us. Hope you have a ‘perfect day’ too 🙂

Harleena Singh invites you to read..Why Is a Mother Child Bond So Special
Hi Harleena,
I understand what you mean, and can only agree with you. For me it’s been a while too since I had a perfect day where all my senses were so alert and the feelling of wellbeing was so present in me.
As you said, a lot of that is due to the fact that we are all so busy and live a life of permanent rush. That’s why I hope this post can make people stop for a few minutes and enjoy this relaxing video.
Thank you for sharing your perfect day. I could totally visualize it 🙂
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..How To Create Your Perfect Day
Hey Sylviane,
Now that’s interesting. I don’t think I can recall a perfect day but I’ve had a heck of a lot of great ones. Of course 99.9% of my days are great ones now to be honest with you.
That’s a great exercise though Sylviane and I enjoyed the video as well. Thanks for sharing this with us and there will be times when we all would love to go back to a much better place.
Adrienne invites you to read..The Death of TweetDeck v0.38.2
Hi Adrienne,
Well, knowing you well enough I can totally believe that most of your days are great.
I had some great days and only a handful of perfect days. What defines the perfect day for me is not so much what happens at that moment but a true sense of wellbeing where all our senses and thoughts are positive, and we can truly say, I’m happy and wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
It’s not a surprise for me that my first perfect day happened in the place that I love the most in the presence of the person that I love the most, though. My other perfect days happened on a couple of theatre platforms, in the mountain, and under the Caribbean sea.
Thank you for being here and sharing your thoughts 🙂
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..How To Create Your Perfect Day
Hi Sylvianne,
Thank you for the beautiful video. Music and beautiful scenery mix with positive affirmations can literally take us to another place.
I’ve had a lot of great days and many have been almost perfect. I’m blessed and very grateful!
I was taken back to one day in particular. It was when my girls were 8 and 10. I took them on a vacation to the Florida Keys. We went out on a snorkeling excursion. We had the best time doing that. It was simply beautiful underwater scenery and I was so proud of them for learning how to snorkel, they loved that experience and it made me very happy.
Tonya Stephens invites you to read..7 Tips For Success With Video Marketing
Hi Tonya,
I’m gald that if anything else this post will take people to their most beautiful days, and I’m glad you shared one of yours here with us.
Thank you for coming and have a great week end!
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..How To Create Your Perfect Day
Hi Sylviane
I believe we can create our perfect day. The parts of my day where I am conscious and have decided this is what I want are pretty close to perfect. For some of my day then I go unconscious and then it is not so good. When I say I go unconscious I mean I become a reactor rather than a creator.
I have days in my life that I can remember as perfect but unfortunately they are not frequent enough.
I have not watched the video right through as yet but will do. What I have seen I love.
A great post Sylviane.
Sue Price invites you to read..Never Quit On Your Dreams
Hi Sue,
You are so right. I totally understand what you mean. If you don’t become fully aware and in control of your day, you become more like a reactor to whatever’s going on, rather than an actor of your perfect day.
I’m gald you like the video too. I have to sit down long enough in front of it myself.
Thanks for your visit and have a great week end!
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..How To Create Your Perfect Day
Hi Sylviane,
A great post as always and a relaxing video with positive affirmations.
As I was reading your post, it did make me think as to when I had my perfect day but I couldn’t recall because it has been quite a while and I should say rare.
I have to say that I am encouraged by Barbra’s testimony and how if we stop and think and take action to regain control and stop the negative vibrations, it works. I can relate to that as so many days I wake up with that attitude and things don’t go right but I need to try to trust and believe the “Law Of Attraction” to make it work for me in a positive way. What a change of mindset I have to go through!
Thanks Sylviane for all these positive reminders. Love them! Keep them coming.
Be Blessed,
Neamat Tawadrous invites you to read..Providing Value: Why you need to be Providing Value in Network Marketing?
Hi Neamat,
Yes, I write these type of posts to remind the reader to concentrate on positive things. I know those perfect days are rare for most of us. No doubt. But if we DECIDE that our day will be great we can increase the eventuality of living one of those perfect days more often.
A good habit to take every morning is to instantly force positive thoughts by being grateful as we awake. Every morning as I awake before I get up I give my thanks for whatever I need to be thankful for that morning. It will put you in a better moon, no matter what moon you work up with 🙂
Thank you for coming by and have a fantastic weekend!
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..How To Create Your Perfect Day
Hello Sylviane
Awesome and an eye opener for those that do not understand, they they have the power to create their day.
I can relate to many wonderful peaceful days. One of them was the time I visited Alaska and we drove from Denali to Homer (the southern tip of Alaska) and what my eyes saw was so powerful. All the mountains were covered with snow and ice, but we were at the beach… Can you imagine that? Peaceful and so serene. The joy that is experienced in these times are without words. An Inner peace beyond comprehension.
Thank you again
Gladys recently posted..The Power of Self-Esteem…Build it and You will flourish
Gladys invites you to read..The Power of Self-Esteem…Build It and You Will Flourish
Hi Galdys,
Yes, indeed! I can totally understand what you’re talking about. I’ve had some of those moments in my life when I was fortunate enough to be in a wonderful place such as the one you’re mentioning.
Thank yo for sharing this image. Really beautiful. I want to go there 🙂
Have a wonderful end of the week and thanks for coming by.
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..How To Create Your Perfect Day
Sylviane, I love the paper analogy. I think that can work both ways. Once it’s changed it can be for the bad or the good. I have many fond moments as well, and I always try to focus on the positive to attract more positive. Thanks so much for sharing.
Warmest regards,
Lisa Magoulas invites you to read..Crab Rangoon
Sylviane, I love the video! I must bookmark it and when I feel stress listen to it and read the quotes. I always tell others to breathe deep when they are stressed, if only I can do the same. I do remember some perfect days and they have nothing to do with work, interesting indeed. Thanks so much for sharing this inspiring one with us Sylviane.
Lisa invites you to read..Dukeo Review and Your Chance to Win Contest
The video is just brilliant, I have fallen in love with it. There was a time when I used to blame somebody else for destroying my day or appreciating somebody for making my day worthwhile. But reading this post, I realized that it’s in my hand to either make or break my day, nobody else can. The post is just so inspirational and motivating that I must extend a big thanks to you for writing such words of wisdom. Thanks again for sharing it.
Hi Sylviane, I’m glad I found this post today because I really need it! Forget having a perfect day, right now I’d be happy just to have a “halfway decent day when nothing of much consequence goes wrong.” Yup, it’s been “one of those weeks” which really feels like “one of those months” I think!
In fact just yesterday I had a moment where I said to myself OK STOP IT!!! You just need to have a GOOD DAY so go do it! haha
Well, as usual I love your advice and you’ve inspired me to practice envisioning my perfect day. I think I will start every day like that for as long as I can and just keep reminding myself of what I want the day to be like…
You know, it’s so true, as I was reading what you said about remembering all those bad days. They just stick with you. I don’t know why we have this tendency to relive the bad stuff instead of the good? It’s definitely a bad habit and an unproductive one. I try to let go of those things but sometimes (like this week!) I get very crabby and then all I think about are crabby things.
So I’m glad you came along with this reminder and that you inspired me to get back into the habit of thinking about what I WANT instead of what I don’t want. It’s all about how we approach life, isn’t it? So we might as well make it good.
Carol Lynn invites you to read..Questions That Readers Want Answered In Your Marketing Content
Thank you! I REALLY needed to see this today. Was having a crappy day…and saw a link to this article in my google+ stream. I have to constantly remind myself to focus on what’s good and not the the bad ESPECIALLY if it’s a figment of my imagination!
What a great way to explain the Law of Attraction.
I know I attract all of the wrong things sometimes. I think we all do. When a day starts out bad and then only gets worse we are definitely attracting the wrong things.
I know those bad days you are talking about that are so stuck in our minds we just can not get away from them. I try not to think of those days.
I love your exercise to think about the best day of your life. I actually have a day that I have revisited literally hundreds of times in the last 12 years. It was absolutely the best day of my life and I love going back to it just to try to experience the feelings I had then again. When I get down I often go back to that day. I think I need to go back there more often when things are going bad. I also need to make more of an effort to attract the good and not the bad.
This post hugely spoke to me and I think I needed to hear this right now.
Thank you
Dee Ann Rice
DeeAnn Rice invites you to read..Spring Cleaning
Hi Dee Ann,
Well it’s about time that I’d reply to this comment of yours. I haven’t been able to fully recover from my move yet, but I’m slowly getting better, though.
What you’re doing with your best day of your life, what a coach of mind used to call “a perfect day” is a very good exercise that we need to do as often as we can, especially if we feel that we are in a downward spiral as we are some days.
This exercise will automatically bring your vibrations up, which is a must to be able to attract better and more positive things.
Thanks for sharing this experience with us.
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..How Bullying Affects You And What To Do About It
Life has its ups and downs and each day comes with its own surprises and shocks we need to stay put and have faith that nothing lasts forever. Everything and everyone that we come across has a part to play and then the show must go on. Thanks for sharing an inspiring post.
Hi Marytlou,
I hope we don’t get shocks every single day, though, but they do happen no doubt. Those are the more difficult to deal with changes we have to go through sometimes.
Thanks for your input.
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..How Bullying Affects You And What To Do About It
Thanks Sylviane. I did take some time and watched the video while breathing and relaxing. I allowed those powerful words to enter my mind in a relaxed state. What a great break you have given me.
It is so true, we need to recall that “perfect day” especially when we are on high speed working and doing tasks. Recalling that “perfect day” is helpful along with this video. I just did it and feel great.
I recently had a perfect day. I took my mom with me to Maine (where we were looking at real estate) but we took one day to walk through the forest among the pine trees, then out to a private beach. At that moment, my 83 year old mom closed her eyes and with a tear falling down her face she said to me “I am so happy here”
I’m always grateful for having mom around, but to see her in such joy as we meandered through nature all day was the best feeling of gratitude I had in a long time.
As we relaxed then went out for a fabulous dinner, my phone started ringing. There was a influx of business, the perfect houses we saw were accepting our low-ball offer, and the little sign I put in front of my house that I’m selling had 15 calls that day.
It was like magic! As we spent all day just being one with nature with mom, then going out to dinner, our dessert was prosperity.
It doesn’t get better than that!
Thanks again,
Donna Merrill invites you to read..Flying The Coop For Fresh Eyes On Your Business
A perfect day for me is when I see that my family is happy and contented with what we have. Life is never easy, but every time I see all of us help one another, it absolutely make my day perfect already.
Hi Sylviane,
I’ve really enjoyed reading your inspirational thoughts on how a perfect day should be created. I still think that the perfect days just happen. Sometimes, unexpected, accidentally. You cannot prepare yourself for a perfect day, and you cannot ‘create’ it. In my opinion, a perfect day is something spontaneous. Although I admit it, the natural law of attraction makes you able to accept all the positive vibes and this way you can turn yourself into the positive and open-minded direction, which improves your chance to a perfect day;) thanks for sharing this inspirational text of yours;)
Hi Peter and welcome here,
Yes, I agree with you, most perfect days will just happen, and not be created. But as you are saying, the better we position ourselves with attracting good things the more likely we will attract perfect days into our life.
Thanks for your great insight.
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..How Bullying Affects You And What To Do About It
This video teach lot of thing for how to make a perfect day. A day start from Morning & no one know how their day will go on… I try to make my day perfect with Lord. I do little pray & start my day.
Hi Vivek,
Well, while we might not have 100% for the control of how are day go, let’s say that we own a good 95% which includes our state of mind, thoughts and actions. Starting a day positively makes a huge difference.
Thanks for coming.
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..How To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind