Now, you do have an about me page, don’t you?
If you are a blogger and don’t have an about me page yet, it may be because you are very new to this business, you don’t have a business and just blog for fun, or you don’t know how important it is to have an about page.
If you’re blogging for a purpose, that purpose is most likely to generate clients, customers or sales of some kind. No matter how you approach blogging, I’m sure you don’t spend the time and money that your blog is costing you for nothing; do you?
I’m sure that you’ve heard that people buy more from someone they know and trust, haven’t you?
When people come to your blog and want to know more about you, they will want to check your about me page.
I have to admit that my own About Me Page really sucked until recently. That’s why I totally transformed it, and wanted to help you with YOUR about me page in this post.
Make Sure you have a Picture of YOU on your About Me Page
At first, I didn’t think it was that important to be so serious about my about me page. I had a picture of me as a toddler there, just because I had seen someone who seemed to know what they were doing had a picture of them when they were little. I thought it was funny and did the same.
Overtime, though, as I was getting more educated about my about me page I really didn’t think it was cute anymore.
However, it’s very important that you do include a picture of you on your about me page, especially if you don’t have one anywhere else on your blog.
People like to see the face of whom they are dealing with. Nothing is more annoying to me than when I can’t find the blogger’s face anywhere. I don’t know about you, but it tends to make me suspicious.
Your about me page is the perfect place to show your face with a professional looking picture of you.
Inform People Briefly About Who you are
Your about me page should include information about you. That’s the very purpose of that page on your blog, isn’t it? People will want to know who you are, what you do, and what is the purpose of your blog.
But even though this page is “about you,” you should not forget the reader and tell them what’s in it for them as well.
If you are trying to attract clients and customers with your blog, you could even mention that in your about page as well. There is nothing wrong with that since it will tell your potential clients and customers that they’ve got to the right place as you explain to them how they can reach you.
If there is anything usual about you, you can mention it briefly in your about page.
For example, a lot of people question me about my name, so I explained where my first and last name originate from, as well as the fact that my first and last name together make me pretty much the only Sylviane Nuccio I’ve ever known.
I mention how anything named Sylviane Nuccio in the internet will be, indeed, me. When I do a search for “Sylviane Nuccio” I get myself only in the results included a results that says “we found one Sylviane Nuccio in North Carolina.” Thank you Google, I think that would be me.
This is something rather unusual about me that show people that I’m easy to find.
Link to Other Pages of Your Blog
In your about me page you should definitely link to other pages of your blog. Anything you want your readers or potential clients to see, should be linked to with an encouraging statement for them to go check it out.
For example, in my about me page I link to my other two blogs, but I also link to the home page of this blog as well. Don’t forget that some people may land on your about page from the search engines, so you should have a link to the homepage of your blog on there as well (don’t assume that everyone will know to click on the Home tab).
Since my blog is meant to attract clients for my freelance writing service, I also linked to my testimonial page, and my contact/hire me page.
In case people want to know more about me and my story, I also linked to a “my story” post.
Tell People How you can Help them
Your about me page is a good place to let people know how you can help them. In my case, for this blog, I did it in the form of questions.
I called this section, “what are you looking for?” and basically named a few things that people can find on my blog like this…
– Are you looking to learn more about writing and blogging?
– Are you looking to promote your blog with articles, or other online marketing venues?
– Are you looking for someone to write for you?
Then I made sure to tell them that if they are looking for any of such information, they’ve got to the right place. Here is a good place to remind people that they can subscribe to your blog, so make sure you link an anchor text to your RSS subscribing page.
It would hurt to remind the reader that they can subscribe on a couple of different places in your about me page.
Tell Something Fun, Original or Outstanding about you
I took this idea while browsing some outstanding about me pages. They added some more personal facts about them for those who would like to know a bit more.
On my own about me page I added few details about me, so people can connect with me even more if they wish to do so. I called that section “Few Things About Me.”
Mentioned any Interview of yours
If you have any blog, radio or video interview, your about me page is a good place to link to those. Even if no one takes the time to read or listen to them, this a great way of branding yourself on your about me page, and it makes you look good!
I added both my radio and video interviews on my about me page. I’m sure more will come (smile).
Add your Email Address and Phone Number
If you are blogging for business, I’m sure that you really want people to reach out to you, don’t you? If you do, then give them several options to reach you.
In my case they can reach me through my contact page, my email address and my phone number. If people have a choice about how they can reach you, you’ll multiply the chances that they will.
For some reasons, I get my writing clients by phone more than any other ways. Don’t under estimate the fact that more options mean more potential business.
I hope you enjoyed this post, and will start applying those tips now. Please, let me know what you think and add your thoughts down below in the comments.
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Hi Sylviane, This again is another very crucial post. About Me page for a blogger is a must, for me blogs that does not have this look fake, it look to me like the owner has something to hide or he/she is not genuine in deeds.
Pst Bless invites you to read..How to Take Advantage Of A Blog’s #1 Traffic Magnet
You have hammered this post once again.
This is basically all that an about me page needs. I think I need to go spruce up my about me page a bit 😀
Thanks again for the lovely post.
Kharim Tomlinson invites you to read..5 Signs That Your Blog Is Going In The Wrong Direction
H Kharim
I’m glad this is speaking to you alright!
Nice meeting you and thanks for coming.
Hi Sylviane,
I read somewhere a long time ago that your “About me” page is the second most visited page on your website. It totally makes sense because when somebody likes anything on my website, the first thing they want to know is, “Who is he?”
If that is the case, it absolutely makes sense to put some focus on having some genuine details, a picture and a few links from other pages where you want your visitors to go when they are getting to know you.
A great post with some awesome tips. Enjoyed being here. Thank you for sharing!
Kumar Gauraw invites you to read..Top Repositories For FREE And Premium Royalty Free Stock Images
Hi kumar,
True, the about me page is the page most visited on a blog. I’ve read that too, I guess I should have mentioned that in the post, shouldn’t I? 😉
It makes sense then, to make it as attractive and efficient as possible.
Thank you so much for coming and for your input.
Hi Sylviane,
I must admit that my About Me page sucks! I like the idea of linking it to other pages, especially the “contact me” page.
And a picture….Never thought of that one. A few thing about me is a great idea too. I kind of hinted at it in my page, but now I have the courage to say more. My page has been stagnant for too long and it IS time for some brushing up on it.
This post is certainly a keeper as a good outline of what I need to do. Thank you so much!
Donna Merrill invites you to read..EMDR Therapy
Hi Donna,
Wow, that is great if I could be the encouragement behind you working on your about me page.
Well, you already have a picture of you on your header, so it shouldn’t be hard to put one in you about me page. It makes it so much more personal.
I know that you have enough stuff under your belt to make a great one, Donna! By the way, you are on mine 🙂 Remember your video interview?
Thanks for coming and have a fantastic day!
Hello Sylviane,
Having an ‘about me’ page is so important. What I’ve learned is that the average blog visitor checks out your most recent blog post and then wants to learn a bit more about you. I’ve seen so many pages with no ‘about me’ pages. That means that if you have no bio page you are in trouble at this point. People are not going to trust the advice if they cannot verify the source, and you better believe you are shooting yourself in the foot if people do not trust your advice. Having an about me page also allows the visitor to learn more about you and this way you can develop a relationship as well over time. With my blog alone, I’ve been able to meet so many cool people like yourself. Great article Sylviane!
Nate Leung invites you to read..Internet Marketing Tips: What Is The Real Truth About Lead Generation?
Hi Nate,
You are so right. I’ve ran into so many blogs that didn’t have an about me page. Each time I shake my head What’s the deal with that?
Now just having one doesn’t mean you’ve arrived either if you make mistakes such as the ones I used to make when I didn’t know how to create an interesting and useful about me page myself. I see a lot of no good pages as well, but I also see some great ones.
I heard that too, your about me page will be the first page people will check after your last blog post. I do that myself as well.
Thank you for your feedback and have a great day!
Hey Sylviane,
I periodically go back and update mine but I haven’t done a lot of changing to it. I haven’t linked to any interviews because the sad thing is that a lot of my earlier ones, those blogs are no longer around. I’m so tired of fixing broken links but I know you’re right. Give them an opportunity to find these if they want and I’ll have to deal with that when the time comes.
I’ve seen so many examples over the years about these pages so I can only hope that mine is decent enough. Gosh, you’re making me want to go back again and recheck it. I already did a lot on my blog this past weekend but had updated that a few months ago.
Okay, I’ll go back and give it another once over. I know I can always improve something.
Thanks for this great tip and make us get it in gear girl!
Have a great week.
Adrienne invites you to read..DoFollow Or NoFollow: That Is the Question
Hi Adrienne,
I’m glad that some people like you have already mentioned that this post makes them want to check their about me page. That’s what blog posts supposed to do, don’t they? You read a post and realized that you need to check this out.
I’ve just changed my awful about me page this past weekend and as I was doing it, I already knew what my next post was going to be about.
Thank you for your input, Adrienne, and have a great week 🙂
Hello Sylviane
Excellent post, I might say!
This part of the blog is important, because many people first go to “the about me” page to read on the author or owner of the blog. I am usually curious to find out something about the person before I read their post.
I think I am going to have to redress it up and probably change my picture. I really don’t know what to add to what’s there, but I will be looking around other blogs.
Thank you for helping us remember that this is IMPORTANT.
Gladys posted The Art of Forgiveness
Gladys invites you to read..The Art of Forgiveness
Hi Gladys,
I can take a look at your about me page and help you with it if your want. Just let me know. Not a problem at all 🙂
Thank you for coming and adding your input.
Timely post, Sylviane 🙂
I am still working on (planning) about page for my upcoming blog. I was thinking of mixing video, audio and images. I could have one video explaining who I am and other explaining the blog. It is unique, and will surely stand out (at least I hope so).
Your about page looks cool (the image looks stretched, you might want to re-size it), especially the fun and outstanding part.
I have seen people arguing for sides – that about page should be about the business or about the person/people behind the business (I have also see a mix of things – like you have here).
I am thinking of creating two about pages; though I am worried that it might confuse people (Perhaps I could just link one to other and list one of the two on the nav. menu). I am still considering my options, though.
Anyways, I appreciate the post, Sylviane! Thank you!
Hi Jeevan,
I think that a video would be cool, and original too. Over time we may start seeing more and more of this.
I know the photo is not great, I have to replace it with a better on. I was trying to shoot a professional photo with my computer and couldn’t do it with this crazy Window 8 that I’m still trying to figure out in some areas, but a new picture will come 🙂
So, why do you want to have 2 about me pages? It might be a little confusing, wouldn’t it? People may think that’s one and the same unless they click on it.
Thanks for coming as always, Jeevan 🙂
Ah, yes. I have windows 8 too, but I rarely use the start menu (I do have some apps from Windows store, but I rarely use them).
I have thinking of listing the about us page (not about me, about the blog) on the navigation menu while linking to the ‘about me’ page on the about us page (so those who want to learn about me will click on the link and check about me page). Yeah, I know it sounds kind of confusing. I might just not do it.
Perhaps I can use two different image – text or image for about the blog, and video for about me (personal touch :D), and keep it all in the same page.
No problem, Sylviane 🙂
Ah, OK, Jeevan, now it’s clearer to me. Thanks for the precision on that!
Great post Sylvianne. I have changed my About Page so many times. I think it was my hope of showing my personality and what I hope readers gain from it. I still have to work to go, but I am fine with for now. I love how you added the video and other aspects to show readers what to expect. I just love your accent. I can “hear” it when you write and you are a superb writer. I am going to use these tips when I start redoing it again! LMAO!
Sonia invites you to read..Six Easy Steps to Set Up Google Authorship (Infographic)
Hi Sonia,
You can hear my accent when I write? Or did you mean you can’t? 🙂
Well, I can’t say that I love my accent, but hey I think it will always be here. A reminder of my origins that don’t want to leave me.
I’ve got to go read your about me page now 🙂
Thanks for coming and sorry for the late reply.
I tend to use the brandyourself service rather than maintain an about page on each of my blogs/websites.
Hi Eric,
Well, I guess the brandyourself is one thing but the about me page is another. It’s also a page that belongs to your blog unlike another page and when people are on your blog that is the next page they’ll go to. That’s even according to statistics.
Thanks for your input, though.
Sure but you can make your about page – re-direct to Brandyourself. Then you have one place to maintain your profile across various blogs etc.
Hi Sylviane,
Well written! Thanks for sharing this. For me, I try to make my About Me page as simple as possible. Just telling my readers what I am all about and how they can get in touch with me.
I know some readers doesn’t even bother reading those so … keeping simple and straight to the point could be a great reason.
Thanks for this and I have scheduled for buffer 😀
Reginald invites you to read..6 Reasons Why AWeber Is The Best Email Marketing Service
Hi Reginald,
Well, that’s sounds like a plan. Simple is good, and you’re right not everyone will read it but as several comments mentioned above, it’s the second page after your last blog post that people will go visit. I know I do that myself too.
thank you so much for sharing this post, Reginald and have a great weekend!
Hello Sylviane,
I have an about page that is simple and i do make changes and update to it regularly. I am still trying to make my about page more professional than it look.I have already implement most of what you mentioned here, but i am trying to add more :)This is indeed a nice and helpful article. do have a nice week ahead 🙂
Babanature invites you to read..A Stylish 3D Social Icons with Simple Spine Effect For Your Blog
Hi Babaventure,
Yes, we can always improve our about page. I will improve mine as time goes on.
Thank you for dropping by.
Thanks for this post Sylviane. It’s just what I needed to read. I’m in the process of updating my blog and this is a great tip for revamping my ‘About Me’ page.
I’ve bookmarked this post because I’ll need to refer to it as I sort out my blog.
Have a great evening. 🙂
June invites you to read..Give Thanks For Absent Dads
Hi June,
So glad to hear that! Sorry for the late reply here, but I’m so glad if that post was of any help to you.
Thank you for your feedback and have a great weekend.
Hello Sylviane,
Wow…these are great tips. I haven’t updated my About page in a year, I think it’s time I take a look at it and polish it up with these tips you just shared :).
I have a pic and detail some stuff about me but I also just learned I need to go back and update it with links to other pages of my blog and an interview.
Hmm. I might just update my image too :). I just don’t like taking pictures :). Hope you’re having a great week Sylviane! Hope all is well.
Corina Ramos invites you to read..Monday Work-from-Home Job Lead Madness
Hi Corina,
Don’t worry about your picture, it will be just fine 🙂
I had not updated my about me page in over a year as well and it was so needed in my case. I’m glad if this post gave you a little push to be doing yours now.
Thanks for your visit and have a great weekend.
Hi Sylviane,
Almost impossible to add new things for this subject since you have covered everything very well. I think our picture is important to bring personality into our blog. At least people will know they are dealing with real human not an autoblog
Okto invites you to read..Make More Money with Mygigerr
Hi Okto,
Yes, and thanks for bringing that point up in your comment. a photo of YOU on your about page makes all the difference and as you said, it let us know that we are dealing with a human being not an autoblog of some sort, which I know some are.
I know for me I like to deal with real people 🙂
Thanks for your input.
Hi Admin,
Thank very easy explanation to Create A Knockf for page ! Well I have a question to ask you. I created a page because couple of weeks but now I want to change user name of my page. So is it possible to change page user name ?
Hi Christina,
Well to start with, the fact that you called me “admin” made me thing that your comment was a spam or maybe you are just very new at this. So, for the record, I do have a name 🙂 and it’s not admin. My name is Sylviane.
To answer your question, yes, you can change your username on your blog, but that has absolutely nothing to do with your about me page.
Maybe you are just confused about the whole thing. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask.
Hi Sylviane,
Aren’t you lucky having such a unique name? I think there are a fair few Sue Neals out there I have to compete with!
It’s a while since I’ve had a look at my About Me page, so thanks for this prompt – I do follow some of the tips you’ve given, but I don’t think I have any internal links on there – that’s something I hadn’t really thought about. Many thanks for sharing this very helpful advice 🙂
Susan Neal invites you to read..A Simple but Powerful Writing Tip From Ricky Gervais
Hi Sue,
Well, God knows I complained about my name when I was a little brat teenager. You know teenagers are so stupid at times 🙂
Now, however, when I realize that I’ve still not met another Sylviane Nuccio even with the internet, and that I still rank within first to 4th pages (depending on the browser) with my first name only, I can only be so grateful to my parents 🙂 I never knew my name would be good trade mark for me. that’s why about a year and half ago I finally purchased my name domain name and renamed my blog this way.
I am glad if I could give you some tips about making your about me page better, but I know you don’t need too much advice that way 🙂 as you know what you’re doing pretty well.
Thanks for coming, Sue.
Hi Sylviane,
That’s a great post detailing everything we should include in our about me pages.
I have to admit that mine is under par and in need of updating. After reading this post I’ve just added it to my to do list.
It hasn’t been updated in….. ohhhh about a year and half and I’ve done a fair bit since then so it’s only right that I tell people 🙂
Thanks for the tips Sylviane, have a great week.Barry
Barry Wells invites you to read..Blog Commenting and A Blogging Superstar
Hi Barry,
Sorry for the late reply, I been so busy lately and traffic to my blog has increased too meaning a ton of comments to reply too. But don’t you think I’m complaining now 🙂
I’ve just redone my own about me page too, thus this post. Mine needed some updating too. I’m glad if this blog post was encouragement to update yours 🙂
Thanks for coming and have a great weekend.
Hi Sylviane,
I like the post very much. Now, let’s see:
1 A picture of me ? Yes.
2. Inform briefly about who I am ? Yes.
3. What’s in it for them? No. I need to work on this point. Good idea.
4. My name? Yes, there is.
5. Link to other pages on your blog? Hmm. There are links to social network and a link to the Homepage. Maybe I should put one more link to a Contact page or something.
5. Contact page? I don’t have a contact page. It is on my to do list. Thanks for reminding me about that.
6. Tell people how can you help them? No. Not, yet.
7. Interviews. There are no interviews, yet. There will be many in the future. 🙂
8. Email address ? No way. Spammers will kill me. A contact page would do.
9. Phone number? WOW! I am called by a lot of people who want to sell me things. Giving my phone number will destroy any peace in the house. Later, when there will be an office phone available … .
Thank you very much for this post. Very useful. It reminded me about a lot of things I haven’t done, yet. Lazy me.
Have a wonderful day
Silviu invites you to read..Social Media Tools for Content Syndication:
Hi Silviu,
Sure you don’t have to post your email and phone number, but really those things are not as secret as some people want to think. Of all the people I know who do post those, have no problem what-so-ever, but again it’s a matter of choice.
I’m glad you appreciated this post and that it gave you ideas to work on.
Have a wonderful weekend!
I agree that an about me page is very important. When I read a post I usually like checking out their about me page because I want to know who is writing and Im interested on what they are about. A picture is also good because this adds a personal touch and we usually like associating a name to a face. Great tips!
Lynne invites you to read..3 Reasons it Takes Guts to Become a Certified Life Coach
Hi Lynne,
That’s right, as you said, a picture adds a personal touch and so is the picture of your avatar, which I would love to see one on yours 🙂
Thanks for coming and have a great weekend!
Really It’s a great experience for me to read this post which describe me all the helpful and interesting information. Thanks for your explanation. 😉

Chetan Gupta invites you to read..How to Install and Use WordPress SEO Plugin By Yoast
I’m glad you enjoyed Chetan,
Thanks for coming.
Thank You so much Sylviane, for this update and great tips for the \’\’About Me\’\’page. I will be updating my page, appreciate the tips, It is a very important page in my opinion.Keep up your great works,Sincerely, Pnina
Hi Pnina,
Yes, the about me page is an important page, indeed. Glad you came here and hope to see you again soon.
Hi Sylviane,I am enjoying reading your invaluable advice. I\’m very new to blogging and am blogging for two purposes:1. To promote awareness and education about varying medical and mental disorders that myself and my 3 teenage boys live with2. To preserve information about our lives, present in an entertaining (hopefully) way, with the intention of compiling a book down the track.After reading your article about the importance of the \”About Me\” page I am a little worried about mine…as my blog is written under a Pseudonym which really restricts profile photos and some other information. Can you give any advice about this please?