When a married couple gets a divorce, the divorce doesn’t end the obligations of one spouse to another. Spousal support may be awarded based on the agreement set by the couple or a court decision. In most of the Read more
Relationship Money Problems: How to Avoid Them
It’s not about keeping the toothpaste cap on or the toilet seat up or down. It’s not about who controls the sacred Netflix account. It’s not about whether the stereo system plays smooth jazz or hard rock. It’s not Read more

Money in Relationships: How to Talk about it?
Love, time, and joy are subjects that couples talk about with ease, but one subject that is hard to discuss at times the subject of money. The following guide will help you talk about finances and money in relationships Read more

4 “Little” Things that can Affect your Relationship & How to Fix them
We all know that relationships aren’t always easy, but people have the tendency to overfocus on the ‘big stuff’ when we start to analyze what’s going wrong in a particular relationship. Politics, background, values — all these things come Read more

How Can Someone Who Loved Me Leave Me?
If you can love intensely, let me tell you something, you are very fortunate and you should cherish this more than anything. Because you know what? Not everyone can love.
On the other hand, if you love intensely, you Read more
How to Strengthen Your Relationship with Yourself
The relationship that you maintain with yourself serves as the foundation for all of your relationships. A healthy personal relationship allows you to embrace both your strengths and weaknesses. This involves recognizing your strong suits and the things that Read more

How to End Your Toxic Relationship Pattern for Good
There are a lot of relationship coaches out there, and I think that it’s fair to say that most of them became relationship coaches because they themselves went through quite some destructive relationship stories of their own. And that Read more

How to Transform Your Relationship Pattern
If you are reading this you’ve probably been through a bad relationship a few times. Maybe it took you a few years to even realize that it couldn’t be just bad luck, that there is a recurring relationship pattern Read more

How to Rebuild Your Trust in Men
You’ve lost trust in men and in yourself in general because of a bad relationship.
If this is you, keep reading because this article is for you.
Every time I’ve asked women that have been through bad relationships Read more

7 Reasons When is it Best to Divorce
No one gets married with the intention to divorce someday.
Ending a marriage is never easy and at times can be quite messy and emotionally draining. Even divorcing someone we no longer love or even hate can be Read more

How to Recognize that you are dating a Narcissist: 3 Undeniable Signs
Many of my clients had to consult with me because they were living with a narcissist.
This is very common in dysfunctional relationships, but what if you could recognize that you are dating a narcissist from the get Read more

Why You Never End Up in a Bad Relationship by Accident
You have had your share of bad relationships and you’re probably thinking that you’re just the unluckiest person in the world.
Why me? You’re saying!
Why are my friends and other relatives enjoying a happy marriage or relationship and Read more

Interview With Dr. Diana Kirschner Relationship Expert
I am honored to present to you an interview of Dr. Diana Kirschner, psychologist and bestselling author who has helped thousands of singles and couples to find the relationships of their dreams.
I wanted to interview Dr. Kirschner because Read more

Why It Is So Hard to Meet a Great Man After 40
You are a single woman over 40 and you’re finding it hard to meet a great guy.
You’re divorced or simply never were able to find the right man for you, and as time goes by you’re worrying about Read more

5 Ways To Feel Safer As A Woman
Women are amazing beings!
We love, we nurture, we help, we understand, we heal, we create, and we forgive.
We are all those things, and yet, we are the most oppressed category of humans. Yes, humanity made a Read more