Many people tend to dismiss there intuitions. The main reason for this is that they do not understand that intuition is trying to tell them something. The message can be very subtle and somewhat confusing for those Read more
In the Beginning there was Persuasive Article Marketing
Well, it was about time! I started this blog very slowly in October of 2010. Back then I was writing about one post a month. Because of being so busy Read more
How You Can Avoid Common Writing Blunders
My New Domain
Today I wanted to let you know that my domain name has changed. So, if you came to my blog by writing in your browser you may have noticed that it turned into Read more
From Passion To Product – Your New EBook Guide
The first time I ever published a written piece online was almost 6 years ago. It will be in a couple of months. Yes, it was in April 2006 that I was clicking on that submit button Read more
How to Recognize your Fears and Deal With Them
Fear is the most prevalent factor that hinders people from taking the actions they need to take in order to succeed. Two of the most common fears among people all over the world are fear of failure and fear Read more
Interview With Barry Wells
I thought this day would never come! The day that I would finally have my interview with Barry Well done and uploaded on YouTube, that is!
As I am writing these words the whole interview is Read more
A Trip To The “Monts du Lyonnais”
I know, a lot of people who are going to France from the United States are heading to Paris. If you have never visited Paris, by all means I would encourage you to go there once. Paris Read more
Why You Should Write The Scenario Of Your Life
Have you ever thought that you could write the whole scenario of your life? Most people haven’t. The reason why people don’t even think about writing the scenario of their life is because they don’t believe that Read more
Persuasive Article Marketing Has A New Look!
I know this blog is reserved for writing related topics, but for the occasion I wanted to use my own writing skills to tell you how proud I am of my new look and mentioned a couple of Read more
Crucial Reasons Why You Should Never Use Spinners To Spread Your Content
I am still amazed when I am asked the questions what is the best article spinner? However, I know the reason or reasons why so many people are tempted to use automation when they are writing to promote Read more
Why Has The Law Of Attraction Not Worked For You?
If you have been introduced to the law of attraction, I am sure that you were told to have a “self talk” also called affirmations of positive statements that you should repeat every day a good number of times.
Is Guest Posting Worth It?
I stumbled upon a blog post the other day which was describing all the reasons why you shouldn’t waste your time guest posting on other blogs.
A couple of the reasons that were mentioned were that – a) Read more
January Month Of The Brioche In France
January 6 is a religious holiday in France. Being a Catholic country, people celebrate what is called “La Fete des Rois”, or more officially, Epiphany, which is the celebration of the Magi to the infant Jesus.
This is Read more
Four Actions To Get Your Writing Going In 2012
Here we are at the beginning of 2012 already, can you believe it?
Time passes us by so quickly and there is not much we can do about it, except for one thing, use it wisely. In other Read more
Five Law of Attraction Habits That Will Change Your Life In 2012
As we all know, this is the time of year when resolutions are made, when people are promising themselves that they are going to do something new and stick with it.
The truth is that the average New Year Read more