Happy New Year to all of you! May this upcoming new year be the best ever for you and the ones you love!
Can you believe it? I took a whole week away from blogging. I din’t post and I didn’t even visited other blogs either.
Several bloggers I know have written about taking a break from blogging, and that’s what I did. In order to come back with renewed energy, that’s what we need to do at times.
A Good New Year Cleaning was Needed
Well, this doesn’t mean that I didn’t take care of my blogs though. I happened to run a serious broken link search on my 3 blogs and found quite a few of those sneaky broken links on each one, so a cleaning was needed.
I’m happy to say that my blogs are now broken link free, and ready to roll for the New Year!
Wouldn’t you love it if blogging was ONLY about writing your weekly or bi-weekly post? I know I would, but unfortunately, there’s more than just that when we own and maintain a blog year after year.
Just like a car needs tun ups, oil change and overall maintenance to keep on going, we need to maintain our blog for it to keep on going well too.
Are you maintaining your blog properly?
So, now my blogs are all clean, and ready for a fantastic knock out New Year (but since this is only December 30th ) I thought it would be appropriate to review all my posts of 2013, and pick a list of the best ones for this last post of the year.
If you’ve missed a few of those, maybe you could catch up with them right here on this page. So here we go…
Well, let’s start with my most popular post of the whole year of 2013, 20+ ways to promote your blog post. Since I’ve written this post, I have applied much of what I mentioned there and it’s really helped my traffic. So, if you haven’t read it yet, make sure you check it out.
There are many, many posts written about writing each day, I know. But here is a good one of mine giving you 10 Ways you never knew would make your writing and traffic better.
How do you feel when you land on a blog that looks very amateur? Do you feel like coming back to it? Do you feel like promoting their posts? If you feel like your own blog doesn’t look as good as it should, please, give a read to my post 5 tell-tale signs that you’re not a serious blogger.
Are you running out of ideas to write about week after week? Here is a post about 6 ways to come up with writing ideas week after week.
Or maybe you’re loosing your enthusiasm for blogging. We know that can happen. So, here is a post to help you to prevent your blogging enthusiasm from wearing off.
Maybe you’re still looking for you niche, and what you really want to do with your blog. If so, then make sure you read about How to find your niche and become an authority with your blog.
If you are blogging each week, then you need a blogging community to support your blog. Do you have one? Here are few tips to build a reliable blogging community.
Back in May of 2013 I found out from my hosting service that my blogs were using to0 much CPU. Until then I had no idea what CPU even was. But since I made a point in learning it all, I’ve written a post to explain what CPU over usage is all about. If you have a blog, this is most definitely something you need to know about.
Recently I’ve written a post that spoke to a lot of people titled It’s not what you do but whom you know. If you’ve missed it, check it out today! If you own a blog it’s something you should know about.
Have you been thinking about writing a book, but not sure where to start? I’ve written 2 posts on that subject earlier this year. If you would like to start somewhere, go read part one and part two of how to write and publish your first book.
If you have an online or even offline business, you might want to write a press release to advertise it. Here are the steps you should be taking to make sure that your press release will be noticed. This post was featured on 2 blogs as one of the best blog posts of the week!
Are you skilled at content creation? Creating regular content week in and week out is not always easy, is it? Here I’ve written about Ultimate Written Content Creation Guide.
What about copywriting? Would you like some help to write a sales copy? If so, then check my sales copywriting secrets reavealed.
And while you’re at it you might also want to read my 5 tips to develop the quality of your writing.
When you own a blog not only it’s very important to have a About Me page on your blog, but it needs to be written in a way that will be appealing to the reader. If you need help with that check out my How to create a knock out about me page post.
If you’re a freelance writer, especially a new one, you might be interested in knowing how to find writing jobs that pay top dollar. If this a question you have, give this post a read.
Do you know how to market your business with content? If you’ve never heard of this, then go check my post about what is marketing content for small businesses.
SlideShare is a great tool you can and should use to promote your blog and other areas of your business. Are you taking advantage of it? Earlier this year, I’ve written and step by step post to show you how to create a SlideShare show.
Early in 2013, I was shocked to see some of my best articles on Hubpages being deleted without warning. They were accusing me of things I’ve never done, so to help you being aware of what could happen to you if you trusted some of your content with those guys, I wrote a post titled Beware of Hubpages and How They stabbed me in the back. If you are new to Web 2.0 online platforms you should give this a read.
OK, I could have put more posted on there, but looking back at all my blog post, I thought that those were my 20 best posts of 2013!
As always, please, leave your comments and thoughts down below!
Hey Sylviane,
I thought you are on leave and gonna start again on blogging next year like some other blogging friends too Sylviane 😉 Hmm… You can’t resist it, eh?
Gosh… Maintenance can steal our precious time! 😉 Now we bloggers need to take care of different aspects each time and some are very unpredictable matters too. Isn’t it?
BTW it’s really a nice idea you came up with best 20s, so I could make sure I didn’t miss any of those after all. Missed only one from above 🙂 Gotta read it! However, from the posts you have mentioned, my favorite is ~ Five Tell Tale Signs That You Are Not A Serious Blogger 🙂
It’s almost end of the month and New Year is almost there Sylviane 🙂 Wishing you a Very Happy New Year and hope you will accomplish more than you have planned for next year!
You have a lovely day there Sylviane 🙂
Mayura invites you to read..Monitor Your Website for Outages with Pingdom
Hi Mayura,
How glad I am that you could give me a needed hand with those ugly broken links. So glad you were here.
I’m glad you’ve read pretty much all those posts and thank you for mentioning which one is your favorite.
Have a great Happy New Year too, Mayura!
Hi Sylviane,
What great links to wonderful posts you have written. As I read through, I remember how helpful each and every one was for me.
That’s why I’m ALWAYS here. I learn something new every time I visit and do apply what I learn from you.
It’s been a fantastic year and looking at all you have accomplished I have to say Congratulations for being one of the best bloggers I know.
Happy New Year!
P.S. I’m slowly coming out of the break I’ve taken lol
Donna Merrill invites you to read..Keeping it Positive
Hi Donna,
I so appreciate you being here on each of my blog post, Donna. I certainly don’t take this for granted, and I’m honored if you learn something when you come here 🙂
I’m like you, I slowly come out of my break, and I feel like tomorrow evening until the end of the day after might be lazy again LOL!
I’ve packed up with Champagne, so I will try to be good though 🙂
Thanks for coming and have a fantastic New Year!
Happy New Year Sylviane
What a wonderful way to share some of your awesome posts of 2013. I especially liked 6 ways to come up with ideas week after week.
Another one of my favorites is 5 tips to develop the quality of your writing.
Thank you for being a great resource.
Again, see you in 2014
Love Gladys
Gladys invites you to read..Trail Blaze Your Path For 2014
Hi Gladys,
So glad to see you here and I hope you’re doing well.
I’m glad you enjoy those posts and have some favorite ones.
Have a fantastic New Year with lots and lots of success and joy!
Fabulous list of posts Sylviane! I need to bookmark this page so I can come back and read all of them! 😉
Wishing you a fabulous New Years and a great 2014!
Bren invites you to read..The Best of MGP in 2013!
Hi Bren,
Nice to see you here and thank you for bookmarking this. I hope you enjoy the post when you read them.
Have a wonderful New Years full of all that you desire 🙂
Self reflection and contemplating is a good thing to do. The new year event is the right time to do all this thing. We all have our own plans and targets in this new year.
Being relax and getting our minds off blogging and any activities sometimes is needed.
I like visitng this blog. I will be very happy to learn and read any post of this blog.
The best 20 posts will be precious to read.
Thank you for sharing Sylviane.

Heru Prasetyono invites you to read..How To Write For Blog And Start Blogging
Happy New Year, Sylviane 🙂
I took a break too, sort of. I still blogged and commented, but didn’t stick to my schedule, so it was like taking a break 😀
I just started my blog, so nothing much to maintain, at least not yet.
I have had heck of a lot of challenges with launching the blog down. The blog kept going down. Every time, I think I have solved the issue. I think it’s finally fixed, but I will be keeping an eye for the next. Right now, my best conclusion is that the problem was caused by a bunch of plugins and Cloud flare. I have deactivated all of them, so it should be smooth from now on (hopefully, I have identified the culprit…but, like I said, I need to wait and see).
Thanks for sharing this, Sylviane 🙂 I have read many of these, but a few of them are new to me (like the CPU over usage post..need to check it out. I have seen that in my Cpanel).
Jeevanjacobjohn invites you to read..Welcome To Daring Blogger!
Hi Jeevan,
Well, as you see I’ve taken a break too, that’s why I’m so late with my reply here.
Wow, that’s great Jeevan. I’m so glad you started blogging again and I will come see what you have within 24 hrs. Promise 🙂
I hope all your blog troubles are over now and I wish you a very happy new year!
Hi Sylviane,
I think it’s important to take the time you need to yourself, or with loved ones, especially over Christmas and New Year holidays,
I have bookmarked this page to come back to it to catch up on reading. Thank you, in advance, for what I will learn and for your contribution.
May 2014 be a year of continual blessings for you!
Warm Regards,
William Butler invites you to read..Happy New Year! Out With the Old & In With the New
I William,
I certainly did take a break, and you can see that by my late reply to your comment 🙂 I hope you enjoyed your own break and are ready to get back on track 🙂
Have a very happy new year!
Hi Sylviane, Happy New Year! I remember a lot of these posts, definitely all good stuff. I’m glad you got to take a break and get reenergized. We did that for the past two weeks and will start again next week. It definitely helps to have a few days off. I know what you mean about blogging being more than writing. That actually sounds like a really great topic for a blog! I might have to borrow that one 🙂 There’s a ton of maintenance and cleanup and management and of course promotion. It can keep you busy. I don’t even know how you manage multiple blogs but somehow you do and you always manage to write interesting and informative things. I hope you’re looking forward to a great year ahead and I’m glad I can share it with you online!
Carol Lynn invites you to read..New Year Marathon Post Countdown
Hi Carol,
Nice to see you here, and I hope you are enjoying your last couple of days of rest. I’ve enjoyed you cat and drink pictures on Facebook 🙂 and lately I’ve seen all your latest posts in there too 🙂
Yes, indeed, blogging is way more than writing, and for me that’s the part I could do without, for sure. I had to clean up quite a few dead links on all my 3 blogs, but it feels good to know that they are now clean.
Thank you for coming and have a fantastic year ahead and great blogging for us who enjoy your posts!