6 Reasons Why Procrastinating Triggers Productivity

Procrastination good for achievement

Procrastination good for achievement

You know that you are procrastinating and you know it’s bad.

After all, you’ve always heard that procrastinating is a negative habit, so on top of the fact that you are procrastinating, you feel guilty about it.

If that’s the case for you, I’m glad that you found this article, because I’m going to show you why procrastination is not always bad.

Actually, I’m going to show you how procrastination can be a very good for your creativity and productivity.


Is Procrastination Always Bad?

Internet marketers, writers, and other online business type people would be very quick to warn you against procrastination, and I admit I’ve done it myself in the past too.

However, what they don’t know is that procrastination can be a tool that the brain uses to get some rest – some down time. But the most beautiful part of all this is that the brain can use procrastination to activate creativity.

For example, if you’re a writer who needs to write that article right now, but you feel like procrastination has taken the best out of you, don’t fight it. Sitting in front of your blank page trying to find that idea, won’t help. As a matter of fact, chances are that you’ll only make things worse by forcing yourself.

On the other hand, embracing your procrastination and taking a walk with it, will most likely bring you more than one ideas to feed your article.

In my case, I’ve learned that procrastination is not all bad and that’s actually even better than forcing myself to do something I don’t want to do right now.

By the way, I’m not the only one thinking this way. There are successful people out there that would agree with me. At times, procrastination will help your brain to come up with creative ideas that you wouldn’t have come up with if you were too busy working without any inspiration.

To prove me point, here are 6 reasons why you shouldn’t panic next time you find yourself procrastinating.


1- Procrastination Creates a Stress Relief

The more you’re forcing yourself to work hard when your heart is not in it, the more stress you will have.

I have to admit that I haven’t have had job-related stress in at least a decade even when I did work a job, and now that I work for myself, it has even gotten better.

Maybe that’s just the way I am. I don’t stress about work because they are other more important things in life to stress about.

But the question is, did that serve me at all?

You bet it did.

Not only did I manage to leave my job and start working full time for myself, but I’ve been able to do it while traveling all over Europe for the past 13 months. I’ve gained more clients doing it, and I’m vibrant with health.

Not stressing is probably on of the best health benefits there is. The negative effects of stress are real. According to this survey, 77% of people are reporting physical symptoms related to stress.

Working against procrastination can turn out to be very stressful.

Take a break, enjoy your procrastination, refresh your brain, and you will get back to work later and stronger.


2- Procrastination Increases your Creativity

I have noticed that my best creative moments where I came up with great ideas, often came when I was procrastinating.

Now, that makes sense. Think about it…

If you are always working hard, being busy, busy, busy, where is room for creativity?

The truth of the matter is that there is none.

It’s when you take a break when you allow your brain to rest, to be free, that creativity can take place.

Procrastination allows that to happen.


3- Procrastination Increases your Productivity

I know it seems contradictory, but while you procrastinate, as I said above, you are also able to come up with new ideas that you wouldn’t be able to come up with while being so busy focusing on work.

When that happens, just write those ideas down, and when you’re done with your procrastination phase, put your thoughts into actions. This way, when you do start working again, your productivity can double and even triple.

Enjoying procrastination this way will definitely increase your productivity.


4- It Increases your Positive Energy and Release Resistance

When you force yourself to do anything in life it creates a resistance, and resistance translates into negative energy and low vibration.

Negative energy and low vibration is never a good thing to have or be in, because according to the laws of the universe, it’s pretty much impossible to bring about positive results in such state.

However, when you procrastinate, you can take that time off to go do something you really want to do, or even rest, so your energy can shift and your resistance can subside in order to leave room for creativity as you release that resistance that often comes in the middle and blocks it.


5 – It Helps you to be more in Alignment

Maybe you’ve never heard the term “being in alignment with the universe” if it’s your first time reading a personal development article, but being in alignment with the universe that’s surrounding you is serious business and vital for your flow of energy and productivity.

No matter how much we have detached ourselves from nature, we are still part of it because we are born from it. The more you understand that the more you’ll be able to alignment with the universe which you are part of, in order to be more creative and productive at the end of your procrastination cycle.

Look at trees, grass, flowers, etc.

They procrastinate all winter long only to give all they have when spring comes.

Yours and my procrastination cycles are like the down season for nature. We can use it to recharge and boost ourselves for more productivity at the right time.

Use your procrastination time to recharge your batteries and reset your alignment.

To do this, take a walk, watch a movie, watch personal development videos, practice your favorite sport, etc.


6- Procrastination will Help you be Healthier and Happier

Stressing yourself into doing something that your body and mind are against (at that moment) is actually not healthy.

A farmer told me the other day that because this past winter was too warm (in Europe), the cherry trees didn’t have time to rest, thus, they produced very little cherries this spring and summer.

We will all do well remembering that we are an integrant part of the universe we live in and no different than cherry trees.

By using our natural procrastinating time we can recharge our batteries. We can take that time to eat healthier, do some exercise, or meditate.

This is going to contribute to your overall health and happiness.



I have learned to embrace my procrastination when it shows up, and I don’t feel guilty if I procrastinate anymore. Instead, I use this precious time to my own advantage.

If you learn to embrace and appreciate you moments of procrastination, you will see that procrastination can be good and that your creativity, productivity and successful results can greatly improve with it.

If you want to personally discuss your procrastination with me, just click here and fill out the form at the bottom of the page and I’ll get in touch with you soon.

45 thoughts on “6 Reasons Why Procrastinating Triggers Productivity”

  1. Hi, Sylviane

    Sometimes, we are forced to procrastinate because we have so called “writer block” – nothing is flowing out. It is better to do it tomorrow. It is usual the case, the ideas formed while we are doing other things.

    This post helped me to realize that procrastination can increase productivity. When I think deeper, it is so truth.

    Have a nice day!

    Stella Chiu
    Stella Chiu invites you to read..7 Ways to achieve Life with BalanceMy Profile

    1. Hi Stella,

      That’s exactly right, forcing yourself to write when nothing is coming it’s useless. In this case it’s better to go do something else, and that’s when we do that that news fresh ideas are popping up.

      Thanks for your feedback.


  2. Hi Sylviane,

    After I read this post procrastination has a new meaning for me. It isn’t always a bad thing. Maybe it is our body telling us to rest. Especially resting our mind in this busy world we live in. I can se the benefit of it as long as we don’t let it go on for too long of a time.

    Thanks…now I can do a bit of procrastination without any guilt.

    Donna Merrill invites you to read..Piggy Back BloggingMy Profile

    1. Hi Donna,

      Interestingly I’ve noticed that procrastination helped me come up with ideas and helped me work even harder once I was done with it. Then, sure enough doing a little research, I found some talks and articles that confirmed that. So it’s not just me.

      Enjoy your little bit of procrastination better next time 🙂

      Have a great weekend!

  3. Hi Sylviane,

    It’s funny. Everywhere you look you bump into articles talking about how to avoid or deal with procrastination – but here you are discussing it from a completely different (and refreshing) perspective.

    Personally, I can’t force myself to plow through a lack of creativity. I can see why there are techniques regarding just getting work (tasks) done, but when you’re someone who creates from a certain flow (inspiration), taking a step back and “allowing” has proven to be more beneficial than anything else.

    You and I both know what happens when you’re in a state of resistance. That feeling of “I have to _____”, so naturally, it becomes more difficult. But as soon as you back off and relax, the stream shows up – sometimes in such force that nothing can contain it.

    At least that’s how it works for me.

    Fabulous post as usual. Sharing.
    Dana invites you to read..What Comes Out When Life Squeezes Us?My Profile

    1. Hi Dana,

      I’m not surprised that you totally understand that forcing yourself doesn’t help. As you said it, especially when what you do comes from a “creation point” In this case there’s no can do, we’ve got to come out of that procrastination naturally so to speak, so we can create. Writing our blog post, creating our marketing tactics, writing that email course and so forth… is part of our creation, and I can’t see how we can force ourself doing it when it’s not coming. However, it’s if we stay in that state too long that we are in danger.

      Thank you for your feedback and for sharing.


    1. Hi Andrew,

      Indeed if your procrastination is too much of a handicap you would want to get rid of it. When it’s too much of a problem it usually comes from a deep down reason, and that reason show up as procrastination. Of course, I would love to assist you. How would you like a 30-minute free consultation so I could ask you a few questions? email me at: [email protected] in the subject write: Free consultation request, and in the body of the email tell me in a few words what you would want me to help you with.

      To hear back from you.

      Thanks for coming to my blog.

    1. Hi Gaurav,

      So glad you found this post as well and can try using those tips next time you feel yourself procrastinating.

      Thanks for coming.


  4. Hi Sylviane,
    I wasn’t sure from the title of the article if I would enjoy it or agree with your premise, but I did. I’m just not sure procrastinate is the right term. Maybe “burn out” or “writer’s block”? “Procrastinate” suggests to me that you could do it, but you’d prefer not to. If that is the case, sometimes it’s better to do it anyway, such as if you have a deadline or if someone else is depending on you to do your part, even if it won’t be your absolute best work. I agree it is better to wait for an idea to mature first however.

    1. Hi Stephen,

      I’m glad you agree with this then. The thing is that the word “procrastination” has gotten such a bad wrap, but it’s not all bad as I mentioned in the post.

      Thanks for coming.


  5. Thanks for sharing your six awesome insights Sylviane!

    It since procrastination is such an integral part of so many
    individuals lives, you have just just informed us,
    how to actually turn into a productive tool,instead of a non
    productive one!LOL!

    And that alone, is a mighty good thing.And I like how
    you masterfully demonstrated, that by letting our minds take a break
    occasionally, we’re actually doing ourselves a big favor in the long run!

    Thanks for sharing, your six extremely helpful insights!
    Mark invites you to read..How Some Really Simple Email Marketing Strategies Can Make A Big Difference!Part TwoMy Profile

    1. Hi Mark,

      Yes, I’ve taken something that is usually a negative experience for most and tried to express the positive side of it. I and many people I’ve spoken to are enjoying our moments of procrastination as much as we can rather than making it worst by getting frustrated or even depressed. Hope you’ll remember it next time you go through a period of procrastination 🙂

      Thanks for your feedback.


  6. Hey Sylviane,

    We always find articles who talk against articles. Yours is one of the few you find that shows how procrastination can benefit you.

    I strongly agree with #2. When you procrastinate you get a flood of great ideas. Sometimes too many ideas LOL.. I have procrastinated within the past two months, but yet I came up with all of these different ideas I have yet to organize and implement.

    Also you definitely want to avoid being stressed out all the time. It’s not healthy and it can be detrimental in your creative process. A lot of people tell me that they work well under pressure, but I think that’s not true for most. I believe there’s a small minority of people that can do it and they are definitely outliers.

    Thanks for sharing Sylviane! Have a good one!
    Sherman Smith invites you to read..Why Solopreneurs Struggle With Generating Blog TrafficMy Profile

    1. Hi Sherman,

      I am so glad for you that you were able to come up with ideas while going through a little bit of procrastination. You are confirming what I’m discussing here, and you’re not the only one, many people have told me that has happened to them and it has happened to me as well.

      Thank you for your support. I haven’t been at your blog in while, I’ve got to see what you’re up to.


  7. Hi, Sylviane

    I agree with your idea on Procrastination.

    The way you explained this in a nice manner. Those who realised and experienced will love this article like mine.

    These six points may use as a productive tool if they are really interested in performing well.

    vinayakprabu10 invites you to read..Rug Doctor Deep Carpet Cleaner ReviewMy Profile

    1. Hi Vinay,

      I’m glad you appreciated this article. One of the main reasons why procrastination is not in vain is that the subconscious also called the creative mind works better when the conscious mind is resting which is what happens when we procrastinate.

      Thank you for coming.


  8. Amazing! What a very interesting perspective. I’ve never looked at procrastination in this way, and it makes total sense in the way you’ve described it as a positive force. Thank you so much for sharing your perspective. 🙂

  9. Hello Sylviane Nuccio

    Another exelente article, I myself had not seen procrastination by this angle.
    Reading what you said I realized that when I work a lot, my mind is very charged and I can not get new ideas.

    The site that I mention below, I did in a few days, but after staying two days doing nothing.
    Procrastinating is actually clear the mind to create new auternativas.

    Again congratulations.

    Now look at the site I did in two days: How to Make a TCC No Drama

  10. For me, the undertones to your post are spot on. Unfortunately, I disagree with the delivery method. Not sure the term procrastinate is the best way to describe the condition you have penned. Our brain has a complexity that is far beyond our understanding. For many years, we have tried to make sense of our emotions, to an extent, we have done well identifying many aspects of our thoughts and behaviors. Conversely, we are unable to grasp an understand of that sixth sense (and I’m not talking about seeing dead people). When most people hear or read the word “procrastinate,” they identify it with being lazy and unwilling. Hence the delivery I disagree with. From an artists perspective, not moving forward with an idea is that sixth sense kicking in and allowing a re-boot of the situation. It’s intuition that something is not right and the current path taken needs to be re-examined. That cant be qualified or quantified in any medical journal. More importantly, its not lazy. Some people plow ahead, pushing day to day on an idea because they do not want to feel lazy, not realizing they are on the wrong path. This lends to the old saying, “let me sleep on it.” I believe, the procrastination you write about is instinctual and its your subconscious tapping the breaks on a creative direction that your conscious mind cant explain. Most importantly, we all have this instinct, some have the ability to allow it to work. For me, as I mature, I now try to breath in information and allow for a more non-reactive response. If we all allowed for more procrastination in our life when emotional stimuli are present, we would not be easily dragged into comments or actions that do not reflect how we actually feel.

    1. Hi Rob,

      Well, I hear what you’re saying, but still believe that the word procrastinating fits right in, because I meant what I mean. But thanks for letting us hear you views on the matter.


  11. Amazing! What a very interesting perspective. I’ve never looked at procrastination in this way, and it makes total sense in the way you’ve described it as a positive force. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful post.

  12. Ha! So procrastination does have merit :). I think point #4 is the one I relate to most. I usually set myself a deadline to put things off by (if that makes sense) and then I do something that I really like to do before hand. It does help to minimize resistance and I don’t feel as pressured when approaching the task.

  13. Hey Sylviane,

    First of all thanks that you have made difference between human and robots. We are humans and we want to work like machines, can we do that? Nope! Dedication is healthy for your dreams but it should have a limit.

    Regarding the post many people think that if they work more from others they can achieve more. May be its true (I don’t think so) but it can harm your health seriously. Procrastinating during work can boost your productivity and creativity. All the pints described in the post are really valuable for those who have their dreams and really doing hard work.

    This post will give them a perfect reason to give rest to their body and mind. Thanks for raising such a useful issue, keep sharing. Have a nice day ahead.

    With regards

    Suraj Kumar

  14. This Summer I moved from a four-room flat to a nice new house in a very peaceful area of the city, and this way I learned how important is nature in our life, and how strong effect has nature on my spirit, if I work in harmony with the surrounding environment.
    In 2017, I plan to build a wind turbine to cover at least half of my energy demand, and maybe in the Summer I will install a few solar panels on my rooftop to generate even more clean energy, and protect nature.
    Energy girl invites you to read..Tesla Model X P90D Ludicrous humiliates a 2015 Corvette Stingray in a new drag raceMy Profile

  15. Absolutely, procrastination has helped me many a times to develop new thoughts and ideas for something that I’m trying to carry out.

    Although I do feel bad for not getting something done as fast as possible, typically the job will get done with a few added things as well.

    Thanks Sylviane

  16. You are more dedicated than I am! I try not to give into procrastination because I procrastinate, waste time and then am filled with shame and disappointment in myself for not doing what I had set out to achieve. This state of mind obviously doesn’t make for a particularly productive day!
    Elise invites you to read..Motivation & InspirationMy Profile

    1. Hi Elise,

      Yes, procrastination is a two-edged sword, so to speak, not only one neglects what he or she needs to do, but then they feel guilty about it. That why, if we procrastinate, we much learn how to take advantage of it. For example, it’s when we do nothing that the brain tends to come up with ideas the most. Good to remember this.

  17. I am a pretty big procrastinator! Until now I didn’t know how to use it to my advantage, but thanks to you I can see there are many ways procrastination can be wisely used to ones advantage! I am going to use these soon, maybe I can start tomorrow? 😛

  18. It’s a controversial topic but I’ve always though that procrastinating is a good thing. I like doing it a lot and I can attest that my level of creativity on the final product is just immense!

  19. Wow, I have to say this is the first time I hear of procrastination in a positive way. However, as I read your post it just makes sense. I have on many occasions fallen into a procrastination loop which basically goes like this Procrastinate –> Feel Guilty –> Increase Stress –> More procrastination. You have given me a whole new outlook and a way to embrace procrastination and even use it to fuel some creative juices. Instead of feeling guilty I will start feeling good about having new thoughts and ideas in my mind. Great Post…thanks!

    1. Hi Dan,

      So glad you appreciated this article. I know the feeling about procrastination, that’s why this needed to be said.

      Thanks for coming by.

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