Writing has been around almost throughout the evolution of Homo sapiens. We can only date back writing to 3200 BCE, but the facts are almost undeniable. The etched form of non-phonetic, silent communication existed even before.
We can call ourselves today, a generation that exists in the noir generation of the internet. The advent of the wireless has drastically improvised the flow of information. The hipster life revolves around content. In this Content-Monger world, companies like YouTube and Pinterest are making millions of dollars of revenue. New bloggers show up every now and then, and trends change faster than the moon cycles. Every day more and more readers show up in the internet community. According to a report by the Pew Research Centre,
“One-fifth of American adults (21%) report that they have read an e-book in the past year, and this number increased following a gift-giving season that saw a spike in the ownership of both tablet computers and e-book reading devices such as the original Kindles and Nooks.1 In mid-December 2011, 17% of American adults had reported they read an e-book in the previous year; by February 2012, the share increased to 21%.”
The existence of the dark web proves the phrase “Anything is available on the internet.” And if the internet doesn’t get burnt like the Library of Alexandria did (of which chances are really slim), it will, by all means, serve as a custodian of art, culture, information, and content for millennials to come.
“That was just me following the same advice I give to my blog readers, and that I explore in my new book [This Is Marketing (Portfolio/Penguin)]: focusing on what I call “the smallest viable audience,” rather than the mass of people who, for the most part, don’t care about what you’re trying to do,”
-Seth Godin to Forbes
As more and more readers show up every day, so do more and more content, and behind them, myriad creators. In the steel-jungle world of post-modernization, even the best-sold novels are best-marketed products. Hence, the go-by mantra of every creator should be marketing.
But before you even get started, make sure your internet service, like Optimum Internet, is competent in terms of speed, reliability, and security. These are often overlooked by bloggers.
Study your target audience
It is very important to know your target audience. You cannot write an article about adolescent issues and hope to attract attention from 50-year-old men. And perhaps the more important thing that you must consider while selecting your target audience is your vocabulary. You don’t want to become a negative influencer but be on the borderline and hit a few right notes.
Develop a loyal fanbase
Brand loyalty is the key to survival, even the best of brands run on a base of its patrons. The more you develop this loyalty among your followers, the more you gain potential followers though hearsay.
Get found
The internet is a huge place, and it’s hard for someone to go through everything on the internet in a lifetime. You need to make sure people can find you. Most people like to go to a search engine for getting redirected to the content of their choice. But what will make your results stand out from the millions of other results that are shown along with yours? Optimize your content for keywords and SEO. Before you publish a blog post, take the extra time to make sure it is optimized for SEO.
- Create a Meta description.
- Check your content for keywords.
- Add alt text for your images.
- Link from your blog post to other parts of your website
- Social media marketing:
If you are targeting young-adults or teenagers, campaigning on Instagram or Facebook could prove to be really lucrative. Even a lot of older people turn up in those sites too. Once you stretch your reach to a good fanbase and start to earn revenue from it, you can invest in paid campaigns to increase your reach.
Capitalize on current affairs
Writing on recent trends or events might bring you to the limelight. Try to take a unique approach to events, cover rarely touched aspects of the incident. Read and try to figure out various loopholes in other writings and cover them in your own. Come up with your own promising conspiracy theories. Give the readers something to scratch their minds on.
Research well
It looks horrible if you deliver false or inaccurate information on any subject. Such actions may drive away your audience and weaken your fanbase. Hence, before writing on any incident or covering any topic, do well research and try to deliver as many facts as you can about the topic. If you are not sure about any point, omit it and cover up for it with your writing skills.
Be confident about anything you write
Confidence is the key to success; even the confident 300 spartan soldiers took on 7000 Persian soldiers in the battle of Thermopylae. Be confident in the facts you serve. Know every crack and crevice of the topic and then address your audience.
Know your demographics
This step comes late in the game. As you go on to develop a brand of your own, it is essential to know your demographics. Demographics are basically the average age group and number of individuals that read your writings, along with a flow of views and sweet spots of when you get most views. This step is particularly important as based on this you will decide the future of your content. Say you’ve been writing on varied issues, covering subjects from Norte Dam to how to make instant noodles tastier, it is important to note your popular articles than others. Note that you should know what your audience wants and deliver them accordingly.
Write your own book
Once you’ve developed a consistent base of followers, you should opt for writing your book. Write your book on the subject you’ve addressed most. Doing this will increase your reach. Your patrons will recommend other people about your book, who will turn up to read your content, after reading your book, for more.
Collaborations and Interviews
Get help from fellow content creators, ask them to contribute for you and credit them for their work. Collaborations collide two fan bases and ensure growth for both the creators. Another efficient way to increase your readers is to interview people of interests. Exclusively interviewing celebrities will get you to the silver lining quick. Be on the lookout; take all the chances of an interview as you can.
The hunger for more and dominant content is increasing with the laminar flow of time, so is the need for web-paparazzi and all the vanity that comes with it. People have started to divulge from these self-credential contents generating giants to the smaller, more transparent individuals. The market for promising creators is higher than ever. You can also become a promising content creator if you promise to create content.
Help spread good content and make the community better. In this world of fake news and unreliable sources of media, your content can make a difference.
“I’m starting with the man in the mirror
I’m asking him to change his ways
And no message could have been any clearer
If you want to make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself, and then make a change.”
–Michael Jackson
Author Bio
Aditya works as a Growth Assistant at AirTract.Com, a social platform wherein people ask questions and answer questions, share knowledge and experience. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science Engineering and has been working in the field of Digital Marketing for the past two years. He is also a voracious reader and a big sports fan.
This article is very informative for me. Kindly share more articles with me. I shall be very thankful to you. Thanks, Admin.