Persuasive Article Marketing – What Are the Three Different Article Types?

What we call article marketing is a general term which means writing articles in order to promote products or services.  However, most people out there do not understand that there are several different ways to write articles depending on what you are selling or promoting.

There are really three distinct ways to write articles and if you use the wrong one you might never make that sale at the end of your article.  So, let’s define what those three ways or methods are.

1)      The informative/educational article

This type of article is suited for a writer who wants to make himself or herself known as an expert in their niche.  The article is not primarily meant to SELL right off the resource box, but meant to advertise the qualities of the expert or the expert’s services.  This is the kind of articles that will lead to a FREE download in order to get subscribers, for example.  This kind of articles will get people subscribe to your articles themselves right from the directory, to your blog or list.

This type of articles, while not giving away too much, should be informative enough for the readers to recognize that you are an expert in your niche.  In the end the readers will want to subscribe to what you have to say and to your knowledge.  Eventually they will buy from you because they trust you.

These types of articles will give quick useful tips, advice, recommendations, etc…

2)      The playing on emotion article

This type of article is especially suited if you are selling a product that has to do with fixing someone physical or emotional pain.  The best examples would be health products and money making products.

Unlike in the case above, those articles should give the least possible details about the product itself, but rather play on the emotion of having the reader’s painful state getting some well desired reliefs.

Research show that buying is an “emotional” action.  People buy more often on emotion than need and even though this might be true for any kind of buying, it is even more so when it come to buying something that will make them FEEL better either physically or emotionally.

This kind of articles are very subtle and unless you write them right you won’t make any sales.  If you write them correctly, however, you will easily get a 45%-50% CTR for each one of your articles.

3)      The physical product article

This type of article is meant solely to send the potential customer (the reader) from the article to the product you are selling.  You can use this type of article to send your readers to a landing page and then to the product or send them directly to the product from the article depending if you have a direct domain for the product or not.  Either method is very efficient.

In those types of articles what you want to accomplish is writing an article that people will land on when they are READY to buy.  Not just browsing.  So, your title will have to tell them that if they click here they will be able to buy what they are looking for.  You will have to make sure that your title includes buying keywords.

What are buying keywords?

Buying keywords would be words that people type in their Google search box when they are ready to BUY and when are are done with the BROWSING phase.  For example if they type words such as: “review”, “compare”, “find out” etc… these are NOT buying keywords.  They are just browsing keywords.

On the other end if they type words such as: Buy, best, cheap, best price, etc… now they are most likely ready to buy.  These are buying keywords.

What about the rest of the article?

In the introduction you will have to tell the readers that they will find what they are looking for at the end of the article.

In the body of the article you should tell them about some of the features of the product.  If by any chance you own that product, make sure you say so, and tell how much you are benefiting from the product.   Use some bullet points to mention a list of 5 or 6 features of the product.

Your conclusion and resource box should lead the readers to click by telling them so.

Understanding these three types of articles is essential for your success with article marketing.  That is what we call persuasive article marketing.

7 thoughts on “Persuasive Article Marketing – What Are the Three Different Article Types?”

  1. I am new at article marketing and I really appreciate this great advice about persuasive article marketing. Thanks for your help.

  2. I guess I’ve been writing in the informative/educational style. I can understand how to write a physical product article, but where can I get some tips on the “playing on emotion” style? I’m promoting an affiliate marketing program, and though the informative articles I’ve written get views, my CTR is almost non-existent. I want to build a reputation as a subject matter expert, but I need sales, too!

    Any advice on “playing on emotion” articles?



    1. Hello Joe,

      I’ve found this now old comment lost in moderation. How are your sales doing now? If you have any questions, please, let me know.

  3. With so many brilliant writers running blogs blogging is becoming even more challenging. Every part of the article is important but I think the first few lines are the most important because it takes just a few seconds or a couple of minutes to grab a reader’s attention.

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