France is most definitely the country of food. I have to say that if you haven’t been to France, you can’t imagine how much food we have there. Go to any food stores France, and you will understand what I mean.
I haven’t been in all the countries of the world, but I can tell you that among the few countries that I’ve been, France has nothing to envy anywhere when it comes to food variety and quality.
Maybe that’s why most business close at lunch time everyday in France. The enjoyment of food and the time eating it is sacred there. And when it comes to Sunday extended family dinners, there are feasts. Just writing about this brings me back to mine and make my mouth water.
Yes, French people just love to eat, but most of all they love to enjoy the food and wine of course.
Food stores have the largest food stands you’d ever seen. No, I’m not kidding or exaggerating. I’ve yet to find a store in the US with food stands that size and with such variety. This is something my mother always used to say when she came to visit me here. She used to say, “there’s no choice here”. I knew she was right. Not when you used to more.
On the other hand, when I took my best friend from New York to France, she was so impressed that she took pictures of food stands, which almost got us in trouble in one of the large stores where we were noticed by management. The manager of the store was threatening us to destroyer her film (It wasn’t a digital camera back then yet).
To get the manager off our back I told him, don’t worry, Americans are not interested in copying your stuff. However, thinking about it now, I wonder.
Yep, I had to put on my best act to save my friends film. Looks like French don’t to have their food stand reproduced abroad.
There are many different foods from France that I really miss. The reason why is because these foods can’t be found in the US. period. Believe me I looked for them. However, because of the online world these days you might be able to find them online at a higher price.
So here is my list of 8 foods (and drinks) that you can find in only in France. Next time I’m in France I’m afraid I’m going to stuff myself with them all.

The Quenelle is a food from the very region I’m from. Quenelles are sticks made out of a specific type of dough with either poultry or fish. I’ve never actually made quenelles, as it is not an easy task, just prepare and eat them.
They are prepared mostly casserole, but other ways as well. My mother usually prepared quenelles with a tomato sauce just like pasta.
There are just delicious for with lunch or dinner.
Paté en Croute

I remember the last time I went to France I rushed to buy me some paté en croute. Humm I’ve always love paté en croute, and I’ve looked for this French food here desperately, but could never find it, not even in New York City.
Paté en croute is eaten mostly as an “entree” before main course.
Saucisson Bioché

The Saucisson in Saucisson brioché Is a special raw sausage that you cook alone or wrap in a brioche. My mother used to make the best saucisson brioche ever!
It’s is good hot or cold with or without the brioche. In France it is usually served as what we call “en entrée” as well as Paté en croute.
Saumon Fumé

This year, for Christmas, I thought that I’d finally found some saumon fumé, but man, was I disappointed. The test of saumon fumé (smoked salmon) in France was so much better, that I sworn I’d never buy this here again.
In France smoked salmon is cut in very thin layers, and sold especially around the holidays. What I thought was a pack of those thin slices was a block of not so tasty and too salty smoked salmon. Only the color and the name was the same, nothing else.
Pâtisserie fine

When you’re from France and see for the first time a sign that says “French pastry” you think that you’re going to get the same pastry you find in France, but after a while you realize that’s not going to happen.
I resigned that the only place I’ll find real french fine patisserie, well , is in France. One of my first cousins married a pâtissier (how we call people who make who make pâtisserie fine), and sometimes on Sundays I would go there and eat one of each of those.
Hmm, I could drop dead eating them. It is so darn good! But of course very fattening. I’m glad I didn’t live there!
Now how different is a real French pastry from an American pastry, you might ask?
Well, I’m never tempted by American pastry. Yep, that’s that different.
Once in a while I go to one of the “French bakeries” but it’s still not the same. Even a French Pâtissier here in North Carolina told me herself that she can’t make pastry the same way here as she did in France. The flour, yeast, butter, eggs, everything is different, so the taste doesn’t come out to be the same, even if it’s close at times.
Le Nougat

The Nougat, just like the quenelles is a regional food, and you can find it mostly in the Montélimar region which is the nougat maker in France and the tastier in the whole country.
Nougat is a candy made out of egg whites, honey and almond. It’s delicious, but not all nougats are equal. The best is found in Montélimar.
Sirops de Fruits

I so love sirops de fruits (Fruit syrups). Now, sirops have nothing to do with coulee or sodas. It’s a syrup made of the fruits. It’s very concentrated and very sweet and you just pour half an inch in a tall glass that you fill with water.
If you don’t like plain water, like me, it’s an excellent way to drink it while being healthy. My favorite sirops are Anis and Menthe, but they have all the fruit flavors under the sun.
Marie Brizard

Marie Brizard is a sweet, clear and thick liqueur. Even though I’m not a fan of liqueurs and alcohol drinks besides wine and champagne, I love Marie Brizard. I tried to find it here, but wasn’t successful either.
So, here you have it! the 8 French foods that you won’t find in the US. Tell me what you think, share your thoughts in the comments below.
I’m not a big food connoisseur Sylviane so I think I might actually be kind of scared to try some of these.
I’ve never cared for patés and I’m not real big on anything raw. I have had smoked salmon and I do love salmon but I have to say, I won’t be eating that again.
Now the beverages and of course the sweets I could easily taste without worrying too much on whether or not they don’t taste that great.
I’m sure there are just plenty of things that aren’t the same here as in France. It’s pretty obvious now that you can’t get everything here either.
Thanks for sharing this with us and I love what you share here.
Adrienne invites you to read..Results Revealed From My Opt-In Box Test
Hi Adrienne,
Now to make sure everything is clear, nothing is row in the foods I mentioned here! Even smoked salmon is cooked. If you tasted smoked slamon here, I’m not surprised if you didn’t like it, as I said in th post, I didn’t either.
Wow, that’s funny that you would be scared to try some of these food. They are delicious. You sound a lot like my mother who didn’t like so many things, yet she liked simple stuff.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Adrienne and have a great weekend.
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..8 French Foods You Wont’ Find In The US
Hi Sylviane,
Every time I read your posts, I want to go to France. 🙂 It’s amazing what we grow up with and what we’re use to. I wouldn’t even know any of these foods existed if you hadn’t told me. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful story. Lisa
Lisa Magoulas invites you to read..How do I know how many calories I need to lose weight
Hi Lisa,
I’m glad you enjoy this blog and come and share your thoughts with me and my readers.
I would assume that most people outside of France do not know these foods, indeed.
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..8 French Foods You Wont’ Find In The US
Hello Sylviane
I love this blog. There is so much information regarding your beloved country, France.
You know Sylviane, I would be willing to try all the eight foods you mentioned. I personally love Salmon, I grilled it like two or three times a week.
Around the Christmas Holiday, we eat something that looks like the Le Nougat. I love almonds and so that is something my parents would serve as dessert in our home.
Like I said, I am willing to try any of them.
I am sure I would enjoy the eight foods you mentioned.
Keep writing on your country.
Gladys invites you to read..Accomplish Your Goals With Intention
Hi Gladys,
Well, I’m glad you would want to try these foods and drinks. They are all so good.
Thanks for coming and letting me know 🙂
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..8 French Foods You Wont’ Find In The US
Hi Sylviane
I think in Australia the French food you can get here is more like in France. Smoked salmon here is as you describe it in France. I have had the American version and do not like it. It is one of my favorite foods.
We eat pate here and I have seen and had it like you show in French restaurants before.
I am not so familiar with the other things except for the pastries. I have 3 French bakeries in my region. All run by French people and they are amazing. I think you should come and live here 🙂
Thanks for another wonderful post on your country.
Sue Price invites you to read..Passion and Business – Part 2
Hi Sue,
Now, that’s interesting that Australia seems to have more of the French foods than they do here, considering that it’s even way further away.
So you have some French people doing business in Australia, hum? That’s funny. I’m sure you love those pasteries.
I do now a French person who is teaching French there in schools, and besides that I have some family there such as an aunt, uncle and first cousins which I haven’t seen for decades.
Thanks for coming Sue.
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..8 French Foods You Wont’ Find In The US
Oh and I forgot Sylviane we do have nougat that looks exactly like that 🙂
Sue Price invites you to read..Passion and Business – Part 2
The more I visit this blog, the more I want to go to France!
I love pates! And this one looks delicious! I would also like to try The Nougat. Yummy.
OK girl it is almost 2 a.m. and now I have to go for a snack, but nothing will compare to what you shared here.
Donna Merrill invites you to read..The Power of Social Media
Hi Donna,
Ahahah, maybe not the kind of blog to come visit in the middle of the night, right?
I want to take you to France and have you taste all these foods. I know you’d love it.
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..8 French Foods You Wont’ Find In The US
Hey Sylviane, Welcome back with again an interesting information. Really I became the fan of french food. Can you share some famous delicious french recipes which can be made in a short time.?
Hi Partha,
Well, I do that all the time. Just check the blog 🙂
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..What Are The Differences Between French And American Education Systems
Hi Sylviane,
Sorry I’m a bit late as I’m currently on vacation and travelling, though I’m glad I made it 🙂
These are awesome food lists and I could just relate to paté en croute from the list because something similar was what my Mom used to make, though that was baked – more like a loaf and had lots of nicely spiced and mashed vegetables with bread. We used to love those loaf’s and my kids love it when I make it too. Other than that, all of these are new dishes and terms to me. But I loved the way you managed to get their pictures with each one of them.
Ah…nothing can be compared to simple and plain water, and I see you don’t like that much, but perhaps sirops are a good substitute. Reminds me of my Mom who would prefer anything added to the water to make it sweet and drinkable!
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice weekend 🙂
Harleena Singh invites you to read..Understanding the Role of the Father in Child Development
Hi Harleena,
No apologizes, I found it great that you come to comment on your vacations.
Well, pate en croute is also baked. That’s how it’s made, and that’s how it all cooks together especially the crust.
I love water when I’m hot and thirsty. For example when I work out, but I do not like it at any other time on its own. It makes me nauseous if I drink plain water all throughout the day. I know weird, but true.
Sirop is great because it’s natural and makes you drink lot of water as you need water in order to drink it.
Thanks for your input, Harleena.
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..What Are The Differences Between French And American Education Systems
It’s a pity that we don’t have these foods – they look so appetizing. I admire the interesting stuff on French cuisine you post here. Hope to read a couple of recipes in the nearest future. Thanks for sharing.
David Tucker invites you to read..Top 30 Literature Essay Topics: Stir Your Imagination
This post makes me want even more to visit France and try all these especially the pastries. I really do hope to visit France one day.
Jeremy Norton invites you to read..Help with Setting up a Business
Hi Jeremy,
If you do I’m sure you’ll love it.
Thanks for your visit.
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..Learning French With Songs This Summer
Thanks for the intro on French cuisine. Will visit France over Christmas and I’ll definitely want to try some if no all of these dishes!

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