4 Ways to Be a Greener Driver

4 ways to be a greener driver

4 ways to be a greener driver

Drive An EV

One of the more obvious ways to do this is to drive a lower-emission vehicle simply. One of the best ways to do that is to go for an electric vehicle or EV. These are becoming more and more affordable as time goes on, and if you go somewhere like Edmunds, you can even get your hands on a second-hand EV and save even more money. However you do it, having an EV is definitely one way to be a much greener driver, so it’s something you might want to consider.


Maintain The Car

Looking after the car can help too, because a well-maintained car is going to be much better in terms of emissions. This is especially true if you keep on top of the exhaust system, which can often be quite difficult to look after. As long as you maintain the car as well as necessary, it’s amazing how much that can help you to be a much greener driver in this sense, so that is absolutely something that you should think about. Good maintenance is simple enough to do, and yet it will make a huge difference.


Drive Less

Whatever car you drive, and however well you look after it, one solid way to be a greener driver is of course, to just use the car less. Driving less is always going to be a good way to help the environment. As far as possible, consider using public transport and other such means. If you can do that, you’ll find that you are a much greener driver and that your impact on the planet is considerably reduced, which is, of course what we are aiming for here.


Offset Your Emissions

If you like, you can approach this in a different way by offsetting your emissions from driving. This is a simple case of using an online calculator to figure out how much your footprint is based on your normal driving habits. You can then work out what you can do to reduce that – which might be a combination of driving less, as well as trying out some other things, like reducing how much meat you eat or using less water at home, for instance. In any case, offsetting is a great approach to take towards being a greener driver on the whole.