27 Bloggers I’m Thankful For!


I love this time of the year, because it’s the time when you go back and look at what you’ve done with your blog, what relationships you’ve build over the year, and other achievements.

While my next post will be more about what this blog had done this year, this one is all about my readers.

You may or may not remember how last year I’ve mentioned a short list of bloggers I wanted to get know more. Looking back at it I thought that I did an OK job, since I now know better most of the people I’ve mentioned on that list, except for a few that kind of fail away from blogging it seems.

This year my list is so much bigger, because I wanted to mention the bloggers who have been coming to my blog without fail on regular basis as well as those who I’d like to get to know more as well.

For those who I know best, I also picked one of their best post this year. So, here we go.  This is my list of 27 bloggers who I know well or would like to know more.

My 2 Best all Time Visitors, and Content Sharers

Donna Merrill, and Adrienne Smith. On top of that these two turned out to be such good friends as well.

So far no one has been able to beat those two ladies, and I’m so glad I’ve got to meet them one day and that a relationship was created.  They are also the only two of that list with whom I actually spent some time talking with on the phone.

One of my favorite post this year from Donna is Marketing Lesson From Get Response where she highlights the need to be a good relationship maker, by giving a true life example. If you still doubt how important that is go give it a read.

Now, since Adrienne posts twice a week, I could have easily spent a couple of hours going through all her posts this past year, but I remembered on cool one just recently where she told us how to easily insert a tweet into your post.  If you have no clue how this is done, go check it out!

My 6 Next Top Visitors

The 6 following bloggers have come regularly on either one, two or even all three of my blogs this past year. They are not bloggers who come only if I go to their blog first, so for this, I’m very thankful to them.

Sue Price

Corina Ramos

Carol Lynn Rivera

Mayura Da Silva

Harleena Singh

Sue Neal

Sue Price had a very good post with a very interesting question not too long ago, titled The Law of Attraction – Is it a Fact or a Fiction? Check her post out if you are not sure about that yet.

Corina has written a post about a To Do List For Personal Development. This might help you to start the new year.

Carol Lynn has written so many juicy posts that it was a tough choice to make, but one that I really thought interesting for me was 12 Techniques to Make your Content more Memorable.

Mayura writes very good tutorial posts with step by step explanation on how it’s done. Here is a great post of his titled Seach Engine Optimation Basics For Bloggers. You should definitely give it a read if you want to know more about this.

Harleena is THE family blog queen. She has a blog where she writes about everything that affects families in many different ways.  In this post she talks about the importance of fathers.

Sue Neal writes excellent content, but one of my favorite one this year is the one she tells us how to create share buttons for our PDF eBooks. Make sure you check that one out if you don’t know how to do this.

8 More Bloggers Who Come See Me Often

Now they are other folks who are coming rather regularly on my either one of my blogs, and they are…

Lisa Buben

Lisa writes especially about SEO and Social Media. One of her interesting recent posts was asking the question, What if Yours Became the Most Popular Blog Site?  I thought this was a very interesting topic.

Silviu Constantinescu

I think that Silviu came to my blog through Adrienne, and he has come here regularly ever since. His comments are usually pretty long and pretty interesting.  Here he has written a post about blog comments that’s pretty interesting.

Michael Belk

I met Michael toward the end of last year, and I know that he has been searching for what he really wants to blog about.  However, in the meantime, he has come here pretty regularly. Thank you, Michael.

Jeevan Jacob John

I met Jeevan about two years ago and back then he had a blog which he has since let go.  He went away for a while, but as soon as he came back he was nice enough to visit my posts every week again, without having a link to “sell.” So for this, thank you Jeevan.

Mary Stevenson

Mary’s writing style has always caught my eye a while back. She has a very interesting way to make you wonder what she is going to say, and that glues you to her writing. Mary blogs about things of life.  Here is one interesting post of hers, Brain Frog How To Grab It By The Tail.

Sherman Smith

I know Sherman for about a year. He blogs about marketing and one of his last posts asked the interesting question: Does Money Really Motivate People? Sherman has come pretty regularly to this blog as well as my personal development blog.

Barbara Charles

I met Barbara just over a year ago through a Google hangout group we still both belong to. She blogs about blogging and marketing. Here she is asking the question, How Much do Bloggers Make? If like many you’re are asking yourself the question, give it a read.

Carolyn Nicander Mohr

Carolyn is the tech lady on the block. I can think of a couple of online software tools that I wouldn’t have known about if it wasn’t for her.   One of her recent posts How to Create a Shared DropBox Folder helped me discover a great free tool.

3 New Kids on the Block

Now, 3 bloggers, I haven’t known for very long. They are now part of one of the Facebook groups I belong to and they come to this blog as well as my personal development blog each week.

Gladys Cruz is a certified coach and blogs about personal development. I met Gladys through Adrienne who induced me to her.  Gladys is a very special lady, and one of her posts you might enjoy is where she talks about the 6 Perpetual Ps of personal development.

Kumar Gauraw

Kumar blogs about several topics including marketing, social media, business, and leadership. He’s got many very valuable posts, but here is a cool recent one of his. 24 RSS Sites to Drive Massive Traffic.

William Butler

Just like Kumar I’ve known William for only a few months.  William blogs about personal development, and knows a lot about this topic too. Here he wrote about 25 traits of highly successful people.

8 More Blogger I Would Like to Know More in this Coming Year!

And lastly, here are 8 great bloggers that I don’t know well yet, but would like to get to know more.  Those bloggers have been coming to my blog at times, and here they are…

Akkaaham Torungwu from

James Kazeem from

Maxwell Ivey from

Cole Wiebe form

Tim Bonner from

Ashley Faulkes from

Okto from

Emmanuel Kabenlah from

I hope you enjoy this list… Let me know your thoughts on that…

Photo Credit:

Happy Holiday Season you ALL!

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64 thoughts on “27 Bloggers I’m Thankful For!”

    1. Hi Reginald,

      It made me think that I also want to get to know YOU more, as I know that you’ve been coming to my blog some as well.

      I’m glad you know most of those bloggers, because they’re great folks.

      Thank you for coming and see you at your blog later today 😉

  1. Hi Sylvaine,

    I really love lists like this because I enjoy discovering new bloggers and I think it really helps them out when someone recommends them in this way.

    There are definitely some top bloggers there whom I recognise, many whose blogs I visit often and can add my testimonial about, such as Adrienne, Sue, Tim And Ashley for example. They all always provide great, valuable content and I always enjoy interacting with them both on their blogs and also when they kindly visit mine.

    There are a few others in your list whom I don’t yet know but I look forward to checking them out and getting to know them better.

    Thanks for the awesome list, Sylvaine, I hope you’re well and wish you a great week 🙂

    Kind regards,
    Glenn Shepherd invites you to read..Four Figures in One Day! Why Not You?My Profile

        1. Yeah, somehow I’ve been somewhat remiss in overlooking contributing on your blog. I’m not sure why that’s the case as yours is one of the blogs that I have in my RSS feed, so I can only blame myself for this, I apologise. I will definitely strive to come by more often and please don’t hesitate to give me a prod if I don’t! 🙂

    1. Hi Glenn,

      Wow, the first thing I thought when I saw your comment is that I’ve seen you around a lot, but not so much on my blog, I don’t think, so this was a very nice surprise.

      I love this time of year, because I use it to give back to others, and it’s a great easy content for my post, so you’ve got to love it!

      Thank you for coming and see you at your place, later OK? 🙂

  2. Good morning Sylviane!

    What a nice surprise! Thank you so much for the mention. Gosh, and you have me listed with some great bloggers here…I know this might sound cheesy but I’m so honored :).

    Lucky for me I know many of the bloggers you mentioned here. And by lucky, I mean they each played a part in me growing as a blogger and I was very fortunate to have gotten to know them :).

    I’ll definitely stop by and check out the others on your list. There are some I’m looking forward to visiting and connecting with. Like you, I would like to get to know Tim Bonner. I’ve read some of his posts and they’re awesome.

    You definitely made my day Sylviane! I hope you had a great weekend! Have a great new week!
    Corina Ramos invites you to read..Monday Work-from-Home Job Lead Madness 12-16-13My Profile

    1. Hi Corina,

      Well, I wasn’t going to miss you since you’ve been coming to my blog pretty regularly, and this post is dedicated for all the bloggers that have done just that, here and my other blogs as well, even though I’ll have another version of this for those who are solely going to my Subconscious Mind blog.

      I’m glad that we’ve met and it was my pleasure to feature you here today!

      Have a great before Christmas week 🙂

  3. Hi Sylviane,

    What a lovely list, and thanks SO much for including me in it too – you just made my day a lot brighter 🙂

    I loved the kind gesture and the way you listed out all of us in the way you did. Yes, I think since I lessened on my posting to once a week, I don’t visit all the blog all that often, though try to make it as and when I can. I guess I’m forever playing catch-up with the comments on my blog, with the time in hand.

    Thanks once again for the kind mention. Means a lot to me, and I so appreciate it too. Wishing you and your family Happy Holidays 🙂

    BTW – You need to correct the spelling of ‘Singh’ in the surname, a typo I know 🙂
    Harleena Singh invites you to read..Do Miracles Happen in Real LifeMy Profile

    1. Hi Harleena,

      Oh boy how in the world did I write your name.? LOL… I write your name all the time when I’m looking for your blog and now I managed to mess it up 🙂 Will correct.

      I’m delighted if it was a surprise for you to be here, but then of course how couldn’t you be?

      Thank you for acknowledging it and commenting here.

      Have a fantastic week ahead!

  4. Hi Sylviane, Congratulations on having such a successful blog that so many top bloggers visit. You offer excellent content here so it’s no surprise that you have so many blogging superstars visit and comment.

    I am honored to be included in your list here, Sylviane and am delighted to know that The Wonder of Tech has helped you discover Dropbox and other tech tools to help you with your blog.

    Best wishes for much continued success in 2014!
    Carolyn Nicander Mohr invites you to read..Your Essential Guide for Social Media Design [Infographic]My Profile

    1. Hi Carolyn,

      I was delighted to mention you here as I really appreciate your blog and your visits. Indeed there are a few free software tools I didn’t even know about and discovered because of your blog.

      Thank you for coming here today, and all of the best to you too for 2014! It’s going to be a great one 😉

  5. What a really nice tribute Sylviane and than you so much for including me on your list.

    I know for me there are a handful of people I’ve met online that I truly feel have become good friends of mine and of course I do chat with them outside of just commenting on our blogs. As you know it’s another reason that relationship building is so crucial because each of them are experts in their own areas and it’s great to have that support when needed you know. I threw a question at you just last week I continued to get confused about.

    I only saw two names on here that I’m not familiar with if you can believe that. For the most part I know all these bloggers and I agree with you, they’re pretty awesome people. I’m so glad you took the time over this year to get to know them better and now they’re supporting you as well.

    Thanks again my friend for mentioning me here and yes, I do consider you a very dear friend! Enjoy your week Sylviane.

    Adrienne invites you to read..You Have Been Found Guilty for Breaking HeartsMy Profile

    1. Hi Adrienne,

      Well, I’m even surprised that they are two people here that you do not know 🙂 hard to believe LOL!

      This post was not only fun to do, but it really showed me how many people are coming regularly to my blog(s), and I can say that the list has grown since last year.

      As I mentioned on the post, you and Donna are still ahead of everyone else so far and I’m so glad I met you guys, because you really made a difference to me.

      Have a great before Christmas week!!!

  6. Hi Sylviane,

    Thank you so much for the mention. The feeling is mutual. Building relationships are important and sometimes the relationship gets so strong (like you and I have) we become real friends.

    I always love visiting all three of your blogs. You have helped me so much this year with methods of writing on one blog, keeping me reminded of self development and that subconscious mind on the other. Then there is your blog about France that makes me crave to go there. I honestly enjoy visiting every one each week.

    Plus there is our group, where we really built relationships together that I call “My support group” because we are all there for each other and the best part is we laugh all the time.

    What a great list you have compiled. I know many people here, but will snoop around to see the others.

    Thanks and be blessed,

    Donna Merrill invites you to read..Partner, Pal and ProductMy Profile

    1. Hi Donna,

      Once thing I really love about you is that I know that you really enjoy ALL my posts, meaning on each of my blogs, and that’s such a great feeling for me.

      As you might remember when we talked over the phone we discovered that we had a lot in common, like being obsesses with cleanliness and stuff 🙂

      I’m glad you came today to see that you made top of my list because of your extreme kindness and loyalty to my blogs as well as sharing them too 🙂

      Have a wonderful week before the big one!

  7. Hi Sylviane,
    It is an honor to be in your list here. Thank you for the words of appreciation.
    Many of the bloggers you mentioned here, are well known and I have had the privilege to be around them and learn from them as well. However, a few others you have mentioned are new to me and I am going to check them out as well.

    Thank you and have a wonderful new week!

    Kumar Gauraw invites you to read..Will You Hire A Business Coach Who Lacks The Business Sense?My Profile

    1. Hi Kumar,

      It was my pleasure mentioning you as for the short time I’ve known you, you left lots of great comments which added value to my blogs.

      Thank you for coming and I hope you’ll meet the few bloggers you don’t know yet.

      Have a great week!

  8. Hi Sylviane,

    This is a lovely way to celebrate the end of the year, and I’m very honoured to have such a kind mention – thank you!

    I love the way you’ve gone to so much trouble pulling this list together and even recommending some individual articles – that’s fantastic.

    I share your admiration for many of the bloggers you’ve cited here – there are one or two I’m not familiar with, so I’ll be saving this list with a view to checking them out.

    Like you, I owe a lot to many of the people on your list – and that includes you, Sylviane. You offer such inspiring content on all your blogs, and I’m always so grateful for your thoughtful comments when you visit mine. You’ve also been very encouraging in your feedback on my writing, which has meant a lot to me and been a big boost to my confidence.

    Thanks again – and I wish you every happiness this Christmas season 🙂

    PS: Keep your eyes peeled for my next post, which is my 100th!
    Susan Neal invites you to read..How Keeping a Journal Transformed My LifeMy Profile

    1. Hi Sue,

      I always feel that I’m not sharing other people’s content very much so for me this is the time to do so. It’s giving time!

      Well, I’m so glad if I could contribute anything in giving you more confidence, because while some people would shouldn’t do boast at times, you on the other hand are way more talented than you want to give yourself credit for.

      Your blog is doing really great and you certainly have a following, so you’re rolling dear!

      It was my pleasure to mention you and I’m glad that you came here to see it 🙂

      Have a wonderful holiday season too!

  9. Sylviane, what a surprise and honor to be included with an awesome group of bloggers, thank you so much. I don’t know all in your last 8 so it will be nice to check some new ones as well. It’s been great getting to know you Sylviane these past few years blogging, I can’t believe how fast that time has gone by! Have a wonderful rest of your week!
    Lisa invites you to read..Blogging and Doing Laundry Through Crisis in Your LifeMy Profile

    1. Hi Lisa,

      You’re very welcome. You are a familiar face in my blogs, so of course I included you here. In 2014 my goal is to become way more regular myself on all the blogs I mentioned here.

      Thank you for coming and have a great week before Christmas 🙂

  10. Hello Ms. Sylviane
    You have touched my heart by mentioning me on this great list of bloggers.

    You have put your heart in creating this post and I appreciate you.
    I am familiar with many of them and have learned so many things from them,

    It is an honor to know you.
    Thank you so much!

    Gladys posted…Start 2014 With A New Gear
    Gladys invites you to read..Start 2014 With A New GearMy Profile

    1. Hi Gladys,

      It was my pleasure to mention you. I know that you are new at blogging, and trying very hard.

      Thank you for coming by and I’m glad you could see your name here 🙂

      Have a wonderful Holiday Seasons 🙂

  11. Hey Sylviane,

    You know what’s crazy! I know at least %60 of the bloggers you have here on your list. This is crazy. At least for me. I really got serious about blogging this year and knew where I wanted to go. Building relationships, education and support was and still is a big part of why I like blogging.

    I really like to thank you for mentioning me! I can’t believe the year is almost up but I’m so glad that I met you. In a couple of post you had my gears turning which is what I really like about your posts. That definitely kept me coming back for more.

    But if it wasn’t for you and the people I met on your list, then I really have no idea what I would be doing. But I guess you can say that it was destiny and the law of attraction that really brought us all together.

    Thanks for sharing!
    Sherman Smith invites you to read..Using Sucuri Security To Rid Malware From Your BlogMy Profile

    1. Hi Sherman,

      Well, your words really shows how important it is to build relationships online, especially for us bloggers.

      I am very glad if I and other great bloggers mentioned here were able to encourage you to keep going. We all need that, believe me.

      Have an great Holiday Seasons and thanks for coming.

  12. Hi Sylviane

    Oh what a wonderful post and thank you for including me and referring to that post of mine.

    I think this one of your three blogs is the one I often miss. I am not sure why but I am drawn to your other two as they are topics I love. Not saying this is not I love it but the others win for me.

    I know almost everyone you mentioned and yes they are all great bloggers and people.

    I love the friendships we have made through our blogs.

    I hope your lead up to the end of the year is going well. We have been having too many celebrations here 🙂

    Have a good rest of your week.

    Sue Price invites you to read..Tony Robbins: 10 Day Challenge and ValuesMy Profile

    1. Hi Sue,

      Well, of course, you had to be on that list my dear, as you’ve been a great supporter of ALL my blogs.

      Don’t worry it’s totally OK with me if you prefer the other two blogs since most people I mentioned here except for two or three actually go to the other blogs. At this point, the other blogs need more traffic and comments than this one anyways 🙂

      Thank you for coming today, Sue and don’t celebrate too much 🙂

      Have a great Holiday Seasons 🙂

  13. Hi Sylviane

    I’m late to the party again! Since my kids finished school for Christmas I’ve not been as active online.

    Thank you so much for including me in your list of people you’d like to know better. The feeling’s mutual.

    I know 90% of the bloggers you’ve mentioned and they’re all fantastic people. The one’s I don’t know I’ll make sure I add them to Feedly so I can get to know them a little better in 2014.

    There’s so much I can learn from you Sylviane and I look forward to reading more now and in the New Year.

    Have a great week and thank you again!

    Tim Bonner invites you to read..Blogging Tips Shared: Pramod ChoudhariMy Profile

    1. Hi Tim,

      I’m certainly glad I finally landed to your blog after hearing from you because I certainly can learn a lot from you too, Tim.

      That’s what’s great among us bloggers, we are each expert in different things, so we learn from one another.

      Thank you for your kind words and have a fantastic holiday seasons 🙂

    1. Hello and welcome here, Barb.

      Nice to meet you here as I don’t think I know you at all yet, but I simply love to meet new people here as my blogs grow and more new faces are showing up.

      Thank you for coming and I’ll see you again on your side.

      Have a great day!

  14. Hi Sylviane,

    What a pleasant surprise! 🙂 I think you just got us all gifts for this Christmas dear. Thank you so much for the mentioned and I’m honored to be mentioned in one of my favorite blogs by a favorite blogger.

    I can’t be thankful enough for everything you brought us here throughout this year, as I always been enjoying the results following your tips / suggestions on writing Sylviane. Unless, my posts wouldn’t have headlines, frequent breaks, personal touch etc. You have been a wonderful teacher for me 🙂

    I’m sorry I couldn’t keep up much with your other blog as I had too many things going on and neither I could come sooner to comment. But I hope I could start again unless my new projects and clients won’t keep me busy all the way.

    I can see many familiar faces I always engage online and I just love to congratulate everyone including the dearest friends for making the list Sylviane 🙂

    Thanks again for such a wonderful surprise and you have a wonderful week there dear 🙂

    Mayura invites you to read..Monitor Your Website for Outages with PingdomMy Profile

    1. You’re very welcome, Mayura, and you certainly deserve to be here, even if you’ve been much busier lately. Life happens and that’s understandable. You still way up there!

      I’m so glad if my writing tips have help you, Mayura. That’s really nice to hear.

      Thank you so much for coming and have a fantastic day!

  15. Hi Sylviane,

    What a very thoughtful idea, to include a small radius of those in the blogosphere. 🙂
    I’m looking forward to learning more about everyone you’ve mentioned, even those I’ve not had the pleasure of meeting yet. We have so much to offer one another in terms of growth potential, success strategies and added value.

    Thank you for thinking to include me. That was very kind of you.

    May the weight of your blessings be your heaviest burden!
    William Butler invites you to read..11 Creative Ways To Make Conscious ChoicesMy Profile

    1. Hi Bill,

      You’re very welcome and thank you for your kind words.

      It was a pleasure to add you to the list as you’ve been given much added value to my posts. So for this, thank you very much.

      Have a wonderful Holiday Seasons 🙂

  16. Wow, Sylvaine, thanks for including me on your list! I really like how you did this, especially the last part about people you would like to know better. I do know a lot of these people but I can’t wait to check out the rest.

    It’s been such a busy year but I always look forward to visiting your blogs and I would like to do it more often! You always have something great to say and I have to admit, I look forward to the recipes on your France blog 🙂

    I hope you’re looking forward to a wonderful new year and I can’t wait to see what kind of new things you’ll have to teach!
    Carol Lynn invites you to read..Is Your Social Marketing Working? Easy Ways To Measure Your SuccessMy Profile

    1. Hi Carol,

      It was my pleasure to have included you here as you’re still one of my best commenters here and the other blogs as well. I know you’ve been busy, but it’s OK, no worries we come when we can.

      I actually came to your blog this morning but didn’t have the time to read it all, so I came out of it thinking I’ll get back to is this evening, so I know about not having the time believe me.

      I wish you the best for this upcoming year and I’m sure you’ll also have great things in store for us. I’m really glad I met you.

  17. Thanks for including me on the list, Sylviane 🙂

    I do know a lot of people in this list, but some are new to me (Well, I have seen them around, but haven’t checked their blogs).

    Right now, I am trying to limit the amount of blogs I read actively (which means, they are on my reading list). The problem is picking….there are so many good blogs out there, and so many awesome bloggers, like you. But, time limits me. I am in college, so that limits me even further.

    But, I do appreciate you sharing this list 😀 Thank you 🙂 Hope you had a wonderful Monday!

    1. Hi Jeevan,

      I’m glad you came to see your name here 🙂 I understand about time restriction for sure. We can’t visit all the blogs all the time, or at least not as many as we would like to. At least I hope that you are enjoying this blog when you come here 🙂

      Have a great day and thanks for coming.

    1. Hi Ashley,

      Not a problem. Wow, I had no idea that you are so knew at blogging, sure doesn’t seem that way 🙂 You must have learned a great deal before you started.

      So that’s great news and I will definitely follow what you’re up to in 2014!

      Have a great Holiday time!

  18. Hi Sylviane,

    Thank you very much for including me in your nice list of bloggers. I am familiar with most of them (more or less) except Mary Stevenson and Torungwu.

    Very good bloggers and I am sure you benefited a lot from them. This is the real way to learn and grow. You begin by learning from other people, then you grow and teach yourself.

    I am surprised there are not so many artists in this list. I expected more writers, painters, actors etc. That’s because you, yourself are an artist. But there is plenty of time next year.

    The only thing I want for you is to enjoy a better year in 2014. May 2014 be a year where you reach new peaks and become a star.
    silviu invites you to read..Blog Comment Ingredients: How to Add Flavor to Your Post?My Profile

    1. Hi Silviu and thank you for your kind words.

      Well, if there are no artists here, but here are at least two writers, though, and this is because in that list are people who comment regularly on my blog and I have no control over that 🙂 they are whom they are, you know!

      I have been blogging for years now, but I started to really do it seriously late 2010, and I know that it’s all going upward now.

      I am also going to spread my wing and merge more where the type of people who really need my content. That is one of my goals for 2014.

      Thank you for coming.
      Have a great Holiday Seasons!

      1. Hi Sylviane,

        When you made that comment on “Exceptional bloggers …” post, I replied with a question. Did you read it? What do you think?

        I really meant it when I said: “you are not that kind of person that can be “covered” in a simple enumeration”.

        So I advanced a proposal (is this the correct word?) to you. I would like to know your thoughts.

        Have a wonderful week
        silviu invites you to read..Vintage Photo Prints and How to Sell Successfully on eBayMy Profile

    1. Hi Cole,

      I’m glad you came here to see this post, and glad you found a few new names you can check out.

      Have a wonderful Holidays, and all the best to you for 2014.

  19. Hello Madam Sylviane,

    The pleasure is all mine seeing my there among these great bloggers. I for for instance will be thankful for that little piece of advice you gave me sometime back with respect to how I should comment.

    You might have forgotten about it though but that piece of advice has helped me a lot.

    Thank You.
    Emmanuel invites you to read..Can Google bring down Prostitution as well?My Profile

    1. Hi Emmanuel,

      I’m so glad you’re not mad at me. I said it and then I regretted it thinking I was being too harsh on you, but I really thought back then that you were a spammer 🙂 then I realized that you weren’t.

      I am delighted if it helped you though.

      It was my pleasure to mention you here.

      Have a great day!

  20. Hi Sylvianne,

    I have seen you all over the place and so I thought I’d come and visit you to see who are these 27 bloggers you have mentioned here. Looks like 50% of all the ones you mentioned here are my friends too.

    It’s good to know that you are thankful for them because I am thankful too for many of them I have met this year. I’m pretty new. Only started blogging last January. I’m not sure if I’ve been here but if not perhaps its about time for me to get too know you more. Looking forward to reading more of you. Anyway….

    Wishing you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


    1. Hi Angela,

      I think I just saw you this morning on Silviu’s blog which I just opened and shut because I had to run, but I’ll be back there later today to read that interview-post and comment on it.

      Well, I’m so glad we met here, and I will most definitely come to see you and really hope we also can form a great blogger’s relationship.

      Thank you for your visit, and see you around soon.

      Happy Holidays to you!

  21. Hi Sylviane

    Thank you for including me in your list. I must confess I don’t visit this blog as much as your other one that is about the subconscious. Thanks for giving me a heads up.

    Over the years of blogging I had not found the right group until I landed on Adrienne’s site and from there it was magic. I did not feel like a lonely fish in a big ocean any more. I greatly appreciate all the wonderful people I have been honored to meet over the past year and a half. You happen to be one of my favorites.

    Thank you again and have a wonderful day.

    Mary Stephenson invites you to read..The Christmas Card for 2013My Profile

    1. Hi Mary,

      I know that you’re visiting my other blog most, but that’s just the same, as many people here also do visit my other blogs, so it wasn’t just about this one alone.

      I’m so glad you landed on Adrienne’s blog and it gave you the push that you needed. Same thing with me. I went to many other blogs outside of that circle and they don’t respond as well as we do here in ours 🙂

      I’m very glad I met you as I always enjoy your posts and I’m glad if you enjoy mine too.

      Happy Holidays to you!

    1. Hi Gilbert,

      Well you are certainly a familiar face as well and I’m going to add you to my list of blogs I want to visit regularly. Growing the list of bloggers I want to go see on a regular/weekly basis is one of my blogging goals for 2014.

      Thank you for dropping by and all the best to you for 2014!

    1. Hi Alysha,

      I’m glad you follow some of those bloggers as they are great ones who really do a good job in putting no-non-sense content that really rocks!

      Thank you for coming and happy holidays to you.

  22. OMG!!!
    I am so late here!
    Indeed I missed the BIG BUS!!
    Wonderful and great list to check out
    Most of them are my regular ones except few
    Good Idea to say a word of thanks,
    I am sure in the next installment i will be there in the list LOL
    Have a Happy Week Ahead.
    Happy Holidays!
    Great Break!
    Keep informed

  23. Hi Sylviane,

    Thanks for mentioning me on this post. That’s what I like about blogging too, we can meet new friends in the same interest easily. I am so late to respond on this post, so sorry for that.

    Always great to know you and all bloggers around :). Wish you have a better year ahead!
    Okto invites you to read..Why Every Blogger Should Be Using Google+My Profile

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