13 Steps To Attract Success

I had been offering the book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill on this blog for a long while now.  The reason I was offering it is because this personal development classic book has been a very important factor of my understanding of the law of attraction and the subconscious mind.

However, I thought that now it’s time  for me to offer something new to my readers, and here it is!

Based on the 13 steps of success from Think and Grow Rich, I have written an easy to follow manual of 30 pages to help you understand better how all this works and how to apply such steps into your life.

Before you leave this post make sure you get my free eBook “The 13 Steps To Attract Everything You Want”, which you can find on the right hand side of this blog or down below at the end of this post.

A Student of the Law of Attraction For Six Years

I have been a student of the law of attraction since 2006, and I have to say that the understanding of this magnificent law of the universe has changed my life forever.   Of course the existence of the law of attraction didn’t start to exist in 2006 in my life, it was there all along, but it’s my understanding of it that changed my life.

When you have been spending your life wondering things like why can’t I manifest what I want in my life? Why can’t I get a good job even thought I qualify for it? Why can’t I find the right partner? Why don’t I have a true friend?  Why can’t I find a way to be successful? Why am I such an under-achiever even though I have talents, etc…  When you don’t have the answers to those questions, you start to wonder.

You feel that something is completely off, but you have no idea why and even less how to fix it.  I came to a point where I was really depressed and felt that I was a lost cause with no way out.  So, you can imagine, when I started learning about the law of attraction and the subconscious mind, what a revelation it was for me.  So, yes, it really changed my life.

Growing up Without Being Aware of the Law of Attraction

The Law of attraction is a theme that is “thankfully” becoming more and more popular all over the world.  When I grew up, however, I had never heard anyone around me, ever mentioning such thing.  I grew up in an environment where having total control over your life and fate was something too good to be true.

My mother had a lot of superstitions passed on to her by her own mother and as any superstitious person she was more controlled by it than she was in control of her life.  I lost my father who died in a car crash at the age of 34 when I was 5 and my brother 2.  Even though my mother has always been a strong woman on one hand, she was also very depressed and had a nerves break down after my father’s death which lasted a long while.

When you are 5 years old and have just lost your father in something as swift as a car crash and see your depressed and sad widow mother trying to make it to the end of the day, your self-confidence doesn’t run very high

Now, I am not saying this to try to sound like the poorest little girl in the world, I had an overall happy childhood and I was spoiled like a brat, but we had few very difficult years, emotionally.  As a matter of fact, those few years being some of the most important years of my childhood have affected my whole life.

Becoming Aware of the Law of Attraction

It’s probably because of this lack of control in my life and the fact that I wanted to understand “why” all of this was happening to me that in my early twenties, I started to look for answers and was attracted by personal development materials.

The first book that I read about the laws of the universe was a book by Catherine Ponder.  It was the first time that I was learning about the power of the mind and how one can start taking control of their life.  This was the first time I read such a book and it’s where I learned for the first time as well what a vision board was and how to create one.

However, it was going to be another dozen years before I really get introduced to the law of attraction in a manner that I could really understand it, and start really applying such knowledge in my life.  Even though I was somehow introduced to this concept twelve years earlier, I was not ready to embrace it fully.

It was always on the back of my mind, however, ready to be awaken again when I would be ready. This happened in the spring of 2006 when I started to work from home as a network marketer.

Today, I have the immense pleasure of teaching the law of attraction to the ones who are not familiar with it.

So, What’s in this eBook?

Well, to be sure make sure you read it.  But to tell you a bit about it, it’s based on my own study and use of the law of attraction in my life.  I have taken all 13 steps to success by Napoleon Hill and wrote about each steps according to my own experience with them.  Those steps are the following:

  • Desire
  • Faith
  • Auto-Suggestion
  • Specialized Knowledge
  • Imagination
  • Organized Planning
  • Decision
  • Persistence
  • Mastermind Group
  • Sex Transmutation
  • The Subconscious Mind
  • The Brain
  • The Sixth Sense

I hope that you will enjoy this quick to read little eBook.  If you have any questions you can always do it in the comment area down below or email me.

14 thoughts on “13 Steps To Attract Success”

    1. Hi Lisa,

      Yes, indeed, our mind are very powerful. while many people are still not aware of this, more and more are becoming aware of it.

      Thanks for coming by, and have a great day!

  1. Hi Sylviane,

    I can well understand the stres and trauma your mother must have undergone when she lost her husband. Life sure isn’t easy when you have two young kids to look after and have suddenly lost your husband. Yet she learned to gather herself up to take care of both of you- truly commendable.

    But yes, those tough trying years must have been emotionally draining for all of you, which made you realize and see a lot of things even at that young an age. They must have had affected your life, though am glad you came out of it and careved a niche for yourself.

    I have always believed in the Law of Attraction, though haven’t undergone all that you did, nor was it due to seeking questions as such. But yes, I had clients who wanted me to write about it and that’s how I learned more about it and have followed it ever since, by making it a part of my life. And most of the things you truly believe in do come true.

    Thanks so much for putting up this wnderful eBook about it for all of us. I am surely going to download and go through it’s content.

    Have a wonderful weekend 🙂
    Harleena Singh invites you to read..How Can I Be a Better Parent?My Profile

    1. Hi Harleen,

      Thank you so much for your always thoughtful comments. Yes, those were trying days, but we made it through.

      This little eBook is something I put together and hope it will help some just a bit 🙂

  2. I have no doubt your book is wonderful Sylviane and it sounds like you’ve been a student for a very long time.

    I’m so sorry that you lost your Dad at such a young age. I can’t even imagine. But with everything you’ve learned over the years you can now share it all with us so for that I am grateful.

    Congratulations on finishing your book, I know you’ve been working on it and I love the cover too. Will have to grab it and check it out!

    Now, have a wonderful week!

    Adrienne invites you to read..Facebook Fan Page Tips And TricksMy Profile

    1. Thanks for coming by Adrienne,

      Sorry for taking so long to reply 🙂 I’ve been quite busy with an extra writing client and someone who wants me to review his personal-development book in exchange of some advertising for me for this niche. So, I couldn’t refuse 🙂

      I can always count on you to visit my blogs and I am very thankful for that, Adrienne. You, know it’s funny, (so to speak) but when you lose a parent that young you move on, but you never “completely” get over it.

      Have a great day 🙂

  3. The 13 steps that you have shared here will serve as a guide and reminder to each and everyone of us because this will help us in achieving all our goals and dreams in life. Thank you for this motivating blog of yours.
    Liane Markus invites you to read..רב לייטמןMy Profile

  4. your this article has reminded me a video in which law of attraction is fully explored. In that video, many gurus have shared their opinion that one can use the Galaxy as a menu card.
    Simply think maximum about the thing and the galaxy will itself give you that thing, no matter how and when. and your wish can be a motor bike or any thing.!! even one can attract money also!!
    Well thanx Nuccio one again

  5. Hi Sylviane,

    Sorry to hear about your difficult childhood.
    Thanks to the Internet, there are now many people aware of the Law of Attraction and trying to turn their lives around. Unfortunately, simply by being aware of it, it’s not enough to change your life to an abundant one. Like all good things in life, this too needs some effort to make it happen.

    Thanks for sharing your ebook 🙂

    1. Hi Nikolas,

      Thanks for your comment. I wouldn’t call my childhood a “difficult” one as I had everything I wanted and a loving mother. I would rather call it difficult school years.

      Yes, in order to attract what you really want in life it takes some action taking and efforts.

      Thanks for coming.

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